Page 173 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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Intestinal Nematodes   153

                       MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC


                    General Classification—Hookworm adult
                    Organism             A. duodenale and                                                        Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                                         N. americanus
                    Specimen Required  Feces
                    Stage                Adult
                    Size                 Females 10–12 mm in
                                         length; male slightly
                                         shorter                    FIGURE 6-13  Egg of Ancylostoma duodenale or
                    Shape                Round and elongated        Necator americanus hookworm
                                         with a long pointed
                                         tail                           may help to avoid infecting humans. Some canine
                    Motility             Not reported                   and feline hookworms, such as caninum, known
                    Other Features       Well-developed                 as the common dog hookworm, may in rare cases
                                         mouthparts for                 develop to adulthood in humans and when they
                                         attaching to                   do, they may result in  eosinophilic enteritis in
                                         intestinal mucosa              people. Their invasive larvae can also cause an
                                                                        itchy rash called cutaneous larva  migrans on the
                                                                        skin of humans.

                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  DIFFERENTIATING FROM
                                                                    STRONGYLOIDES STERCORALIS,

                                                                    HOOKWORM LARVAE

                                                                    Since it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between the
                                                                    eggs of Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus
                                                                    along with most other hookworm species in order to
                                                                    identify the genus, additional steps may be necessary. The
                                                                    eggs must be placed in an appropriate environment in the
                                                                    lab to allow the larvae to hatch out, at which time the larvae
                                                                    are easier to identify due to the morphology exhibited. If
                   FIGURE 6-12  Hookworm infection by direct contact   the fecal sample is left for a day or more under simulated
                   with contaminated soil                           tropical conditions, the larvae will have hatched out,
                                                                    allowing speciation, and eggs might no longer be evident.
                    ■    Do not use human excrement or raw sewage as   It is paramount to distinguish hookworm larvae from
                         fertilizer in agricultural practices. This is practiced   S. stercoralis larvae, because infection with S. stercoralis has
                       in some cultures and is called “night soil.” Fruits
                                                                    a more serious impact on the victim and requires different
                       and vegetables that are normally eaten raw and   treatment. This species also is known as threadworms
                       come from developing countries are a ready source
                                                                    and are capable of living in the small intestine or as a free-
                       of parasitic infections and mere rinsing of the food   living worm (Figure 6-14). Although the larvae of the two
                       is not sufficient to remove or destroy the organisms.
                                                                    hookworm species, A. duodenale and N. americanus,
                    ■    Deworming of the family pets, both dogs and   can be distinguished microscopically, this is not typically
                       cats, will aid the pets in remaining healthy and   done except for research purposes. Adult worms would
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