Page 169 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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Intestinal Nematodes   149

                   or more, but it is known that a considerable number may   through the hostile environment of the stomach and to
                   die within a year or two after the initial infection of the   enter the small intestine, a process that takes about a
                   host. But there is a difference in the life span of the two   week to complete.
                   hookworms. A. duodenale adults live much shorter lives   Upon entering the digestive system the parasites
                   than N. americanus, as they usually survive for an av-  complete their life cycle in the intestine and during this
                   erage of only about 6 months. But the infection can be   time the larvae mature into adult worms. A third hook-
                   prolonged because there are always inactive or dormant   worm of dogs, Ancylostoma caninum, is currently be-
                   larvae that can be drawn sequentially from areas of tis-  coming more familiar as a parasite of humans. It has been
                   sue storage over a substantial number of years in order   found in a number of countries in both tropical and tem-
                   to replace the dead adult worms. This will generate a   perate areas that include North America. It was always
                   rise in the population of the organisms on a seasonally   considered a host-specific canine parasite that very rarely
                   fluctuating basis. A fluctuation in transmission during   invaded humans and, when it did, caused essentially
                   certain weather conditions such as warm and moist soil     asymptomatic infections. It is difficult to rid the body of
                   conditions may contribute to the prevalence and speed   A. caninum once the adults are attached to the intestinal
                   of transmission of the infection.                mucosa (Figure 6-10).
                       The mature hookworms mate inside the host and    In contrast to most intestinal parasites, where the
                   the females will often lay up to 30,000 eggs per day, which   heaviest parasitic loads tend to occur in children, hook-
                   translates to several million eggs per female during a life-  worm prevalence and intensity can be even higher among
                   time. Most of these eggs tend to pass out through the feces   adult males. The explanation for this is that hookworm
                   of the host. Because it takes 5 to 7 weeks for adult worms   infections tend to be occupational so that plantation
                   to reach maturity and then to mate and produce eggs,   workers, coalminers, and certain other groups maintain
                   there may be few or no eggs detected in the early stages of   a high prevalence of infection among themselves by con-
                   very heavy infection. Therefore, several fecal specimens   taminating their work environment. However, in most
                   may be necessary to detect either eggs or worms follow-  endemic areas adult women are more severely affected by
                   ing the appearance of acute symptoms. Diagnosis may   anemia than men, mainly because they may have much
                   be difficult unless care and diligence in collecting and   higher physiological needs for iron because of menstrua-
                   processing specimens is practiced.  Remember, the pos-  tion and repeated pregnancies. But an additional factor
                   sibility of recovering eggs and larvae or mature worms of   that contributes to poor health in women is that they cus-
                   many parasites from known infections does not approach   tomarily have access to much poorer food than the men
                   a 100 percent rate even under the best of circumstances   who may hunt and work in the fields providing greater
                   and when an experienced and diligent laboratory practi-  access to food. The larvae of hookworms and those of
                   tioner is examining the specimens.               S. stercoralis are quite similar and may easily be confused

                   Disease Transmission

                   Infection by hookworm of the host is by the larvae and
                   not the eggs from the adult organism. Although A. duode-
                   nale can be ingested and cause infection, the most com-
                   mon method of infection is through skin penetration of
                   the larvae. Walking barefoot through contaminated water
                   and soil containing fecal matter almost always results in                                     Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                   contraction of the hookworm larvae. The scarcely visible
                   larvae are able to penetrate the skin of those who walk
                   barefoot in contaminated areas and once inside the body
                   the microfilariae migrate through the vascular system
                   to the lungs. From there they are coughed up into the
                   trachea before being swallowed. As the organisms pass   FIGURE 6-10  The hookworms, Ancylostoma
                   down the esophagus they are safely equipped to pass   caninum, attached to the intestinal mucosa
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