Page 164 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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144    CHAPTER 6

                   not uncommon to find a T. trichiuris infection accompa-
                   nied by a second parasite such as A. lumbricoides.   MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC
                   Laboratory Diagnosis
                   Stool specimens and identification of the eggs, which   General Classification—Nematodal
                   are characteristic with their elongated shape and the   whipworm egg
                   polar plugs found in the terminal ends, are evidence of   Organism     Trichuris trichiura
                   a T. trichiura infection. Identification and differentia-  Specimen Required  Feces
                   tion of eggs is the most common method for identifying   Stage         Egg most often
                   an infection by the whipworm. Routine concentration                    diagnostic with
                   methods may be necessary in order to recover both ova                  occasional adult
                   and adult parasites. Adult worms are rarely seen in fe-                stages seen
                   cal samples but are useful in identifying an infection of   Size       Egg ranges from
                   T. trichiura; if seen, females are larger than males, as               50–55 3 22–23 μm
                   previously described, although this overlapping range   Shape          Eggs are smooth-
                   provides for little diagnostic value. The females have                 shelled and brown
                   a rounded posterior end compared to the male coun-                     with barrel
                   terparts which possess a coiled posterior end. Their                   shapes and are
                   characteristic eggs have a smooth shell and are barrel-                unembryonated
                   shaped, brown, and have bipolar plugs.                                 when passed;
                       During the early stage of infection there may be only              mucogelatinous
                   limited signs of infection in fecal samples. This is due to            plugs on opposite
                   the cycles of periodic skin shedding and growth, which                 ends of elongated
                   must occur for a period of approximately 3 months be-                  eggs
                   fore adults mature and begin egg production. It should   Shell         Smooth shell surface;
                   be remembered that the mature Trichuris trichiura has a                may be thick and
                   narrow anterior esophageal end and shorter and thicker                 yellow-brown with
                   posterior anus, a characteristic necessary to differentiate            staining by bile
                   adult worms from other species of parasites. These pink-  Other Features   Pink to white larval
                   ish-white worms extend through the intestinal mucosa                   forms
                                                                             T. trichiuria
                   and attach to the host through their slender anterior end
                                                                                        Adult worm
                   where they feed on tissue secretions. Mechanical dam-
                   age may occur in the intestinal mucosa when toxic or in-
                   flammatory damage to the intestines of the host occurs,
                   resulting in blood loss and anemia in victims with heavy
                   infections. Whipworm infections may also be accompa-
                   nied by concurrent infections with Giardia, Entamoeba
                   histolytica, Ascaris lumbricoides, and hookworms. This
                   fact requires that the parasitologist be especially careful
                   in ruling out other infections upon identification of one
                   particular species.
                   Treatment and Prevention                                                                       Delmar/Cengage Learning

                   A drug commonly used is that of mebendazole but pre-
                   vention is the best course as for most other parasites.
                   Good personal hygiene and the avoiding of contaminated
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