Page 161 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 161

Intestinal Nematodes   141

                          LIFE CYCLE of—

                                                        Ascaris lumbricoides

                                                 Lungs                      Pharynx


                                      Larvae hatch
                                      in intestine            MAN

                                                                    Adults in lumen
                                                                    of small intestine

                                                                                    Eggs in feces
                                    Embryonated egg                               (diagnostic stage)
                                    with 2nd stage larva
                                    (infective stage)
                                                                                      Fertilized  I cell

                                                                                                                  Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                                                     EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT

                                     Advanced cleavage
                                                                                 2-cell stage

                   FIGURE 6-4  Various stages in the life cycle of the intestinal roundworm nematode Ascaris lumbricoides

                   Treatment and Prevention                         A. lumbricoides includes the availability of sanitary
                                                                    facilities for defecating and the proper hand washing
                   Treatment is available using a variety of antihelminthic   and cleaning of food materials such as those grown in
                   drugs such as mebendazole and piperazine. Larvae may   the soil. The use of human feces as fertilizer, a common
                   not be affected by this treatment so repeat treatments   practice in some developing countries, should be
                   may be required. Prevention of the infection by   avoided.
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