Page 156 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 156

136    CHAPTER 6

                   The term nematode means “roundworm” because
                     members of the phylum Nematoda can be viewed as a
                   cross-section and may range from a few millimeters to
                   more than 1 meter in length. A common characteristic
                   found in nematodes is that both male and female repre-                                        Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                   sentatives exist, unlike other parasites. As a general con-
                   clusion, the male roundworm is generally smaller than
                   the female. Body development is rather complex with
                   an exterior covering called a cuticle which covers several
                   layers of underlying musculature, a complex nerve cord
                   and a well-developed digestive system. Functional sexual
                                                                    FIGURE 6-1  Eggs of the nematode, or roundworm
                   organs are present in the male and in addition the body
                                                                    Enterobius vermicularis
                   of the male ends in either a curved or coiled tail.
                       Humans are considered the definitive host for the
                   species of roundworms that are considered medically   most often confirmed by microscopic examination of the
                   important for the parasitic nematode infections. Where   characteristic eggs where one side of the egg is flattened
                   fertilized eggs or larvae are the means for reproducing   (Figure 6-1).
                   adult roundworms, three routes are generally involved   All parasites require a host and some may require
                   by which the host becomes infected. Depending on the   up to three different hosts for development and infec-
                   species of nematode, the adult female nematode is able to   tion, but for pinworms, only the human serves as a host,
                   produce an infection in the following ways:      where the organism develops into an adult and serves
                    ■    Ingestion of eggs by a susceptible host can result in   as a vessel for transmission to others. The life cycle of
                       immediate infection                          E. vermicularis is quite simple when compared with
                                                                    many other parasitic organisms. Eggs are swallowed
                    ■    After a required period of external development,
                                                                    into the intestines, where they hatch and mature. Adult
                       usually in the soil, either eggs or larvae reach an
                                                                    pinworms are a yellowish to white color and are slen-
                       infective stage before developing the capability to
                                                                    der, resembling a filament or a thick thread. It should be
                       infect a host, often by skin penetration
                                                                    mentioned here that some commonly call the pinworm
                    ■    Eggs or larvae are transmitted to a new host by   a “threadworm” but the term threadworm actually refers
                        insect vectors
                                                                    to a particular hookworm. A month after infecting the
                                                                    gut, the female worm moves down the intestinal system
                   PINWORMS                                         and exits the body from the anus. She then deposits up
                                                                    to several hundred eggs on the skin around the anus dur-
                   Pinworms are prevalent around the world, and although   ing the night or early morning.
                   they are not a serious threat to the overall health of the   After depositing her eggs, the female pinworm dies,
                   individual, they do cause some discomfort through anal   as she has completed her life’s mission of propagating
                   irritation and nervousness mostly in small children.   the species. Itching often occurs after the eggs are laid.
                   The most prevalent type of human worm infection in the   Children continue the cycle, reinfecting themselves by
                   United States and perhaps around the world is by that of   scratching their anus upon which eggs accumulate on
                   the pinworm. The term worms in children is a common   the fingers and under the nails. The reproductive cycle
                   lay term for pinworms. This frequently used reference   starts again when the eggs are swallowed and begin to
                   to pinworms is almost universal as a descriptive name   hatch. The eggs may remain viable for up to several days,
                   for this parasite, which is an organism of the genus and   if conditions are suitable. Treatment with medication is
                   species Enterobius vermicularis. Because many children   available to kill the parasites, and to be completely effec-
                   put their dirty fingers into their mouths, they are more   tive, all members of the family should be treated when
                   susceptible to this type of infection. The condition is   a single family member is diagnosed with a pinworm
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