Page 153 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 153

Epidemiology of Nematodes, Cestodes, and Trematodes   133

                   generalized anemia and the appearance of not being   eating contaminated raw or undercooked meat, fish,
                   well.  Hookworm infections are often merely referred to   or grains. Taenia  solium cysticercosis or Hymenolepsis
                   as “worms” or a symptom such as urticaria or itching of   nana are directly transmitted through ingestion of
                   the skin.                                        eggs from human feces and Echinococcus eggs come
                       Beginning just before and into the early part of the   primarily from the definitive hosts, dog or fox, with
                   twentieth century, the U.S. Public Health Service con-  humans as the intermediate host. Reinfection with
                   cluded that the “germ of laziness” associated with hook-  adult tapeworms is common but second infections
                   worm disease had been found as a common malady in   with larvae are rare, apparently due to developed
                   the American South. Progressive pernicious anemia seen   immunity. There are literally thousands of trematodes,
                   in the southern United States was found to be caused by   divided into two subclasses. The smaller subclass,
                   A. duodenale, and testing of schoolchildren in the 1900s   Aspidogastrea, includes about 100 species as obligate
                   showed heavy infections in the group. An investigator   parasites of mollusks that may also infect turtles and
                   also noticed that symptoms of the hookworm disease   fish, including cartilaginous fish. The other subclass,
                   in animals were similar to those of many poor Whites in   Digenea, which shows the most trematode diversity, is
                   the rural South. Philanthropist efforts by the industrialist   obligate parasites of both mollusks and vertebrates and
                   John D. Rockefeller and President Theodore Roosevelt   occasionally of cartilaginous fish.
                   worked to diminish the rate of parasitic infections in the   Trematodes are known commonly as flukes and
                   rural population through the Country Life Commission.   in the definitive host the eggs are shed along with
                   Efforts to improve farm life through general sanitation   feces from the host. Eggs shed in water release free-
                   and awareness of means for preventing the diseases be-  swimming larval forms infective to the intermediate
                   gan to bear fruit by a lessening of the cases of hookworm   host, where asexual reproduction occurs. Both tissue
                   infections and resulting diseases.               flukes that infect organs and systems of the body, and
                       But in the 1930s, during the Great Depression,   blood flukes are two major divisions of the trematodes.
                   public officials again found that many children again   Blood flukes inhabit the blood in some stages of their
                   showed signs of hookworm. In the 1920s, a hookworm   life cycle and include the three main species of the
                   eradication program in the United States spread to the   genus Schistosoma: Schistosoma mansoni, S. japonicum
                   Caribbean and Latin American countries where well-  and S. hematobium.
                   established epidemics, particularly in Brazil, prevailed.   The life cycles of some of these flukes are complex,
                   Both control of new cases and treatment of existing cases   and may also be classified according to the environment
                   were necessary.                                  in which they are found. The life cycle of schistosomes
                       Not only children but adult males who work in   require fresh water in order to infect a host, so interior
                   contaminated soil of farms and with a variety of farm   lakes in the endemic areas of the world are often con-
                   animals were often heavily affected by hookworm infec-  taminated. Humans become infected by cercaria from
                   tions. This life cycle for hookworms requires warm and   miracidia that infected the snails found in fresh wa-
                   sandy or loamy soil with substantial rainfall, conditions   ter, where these cercaria penetrate the skin and travel
                   met in many areas of the United States. Infective larvae   through the blood vessels of their human hosts to the
                   of  Necator americanus survive at higher  temperatures   heart, lungs, and portal routes of circulation.
                   than Ancylostoma duodenale so the cooler climates    Severe symptoms and signs are routinely found
                   of Europe are more favorable for propagation of   that range from a mere nuisance splenomegaly (spleen
                   A. duodenale.                                    enlargement), diarrhea, and lymphadenopathy. In the
                       The most important cestodes are the tapeworms   bladder, granulomatous lesions, hematuria, and some-
                   Taenia solium (pork tapeworm), T. saginata (beef   times urethral occlusion occur, perhaps leading to blad-
                   tapeworm), Diphyllobothrium latum (fish or broad   der cancer in chronic cases. In the intestine, polyps may
                   tapeworm), Hymenolepis nana (dwarf tapeworm),    form that result in life threatening dysentery. In the liver,
                   and Echinococcus granulosus and E. multilocularis   the eggs cause periportal fibrosis and portal hyperten-
                   (hydatid). Diet and contact with animal excrement   sion, resulting in hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and as-
                   pose the greatest risks, where larvae infect a host by   cites (swelling and distention of the belly).
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