Page 149 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 149

Epidemiology of Nematodes, Cestodes, and Trematodes   129

                                                                                                                  Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

                   FIGURE 5-10  Illustration shows the life cycle of O. felineus and O. viverrini. Not that a mollusk is involved as a host

                   Adult worms are 10 to 20 mm long; the male has an   and portal routes of circulation. In about three weeks
                   unusual lamelliform (arranged in thin plates or scales)   these forms mature and reach the mesenteric (S. japoni-
                   shape with marginal folds forming a canal in which the   cum and S. mansoni) or the bladder (S. hematobium)
                   slender female worm resides. Unlike other trematodes,   vessels where they live and ovulate for the duration of the
                   schistosomes may be divided by gender as they have   host’s life. Eggs germinate as they pass through the ves-
                   separate sexes.                                  sel wall into the intestine or bladder and are excreted in
                                                                    feces (S. japonicum and S. mansoni) or urine (S. hema-
                   Life Cycle of Schistosomes                       tobium). When in fresh water the larval miracidia hatch
                                                                    out of the egg and swim about until they find an appro-
                   The life cycle of the schistosomes require fresh water in   priate snail. After two generations of multiplication in the
                   order to infect a host; interior lakes in the endemic areas   snail, the fork-tailed cercariae emerge into the water and
                   of the world are often contaminated (Figure 5-11). Man   infect another human.
                   is infected by cercaria in fresh water by skin penetration.   Symptoms may initially be merely a nuisance and
                   After entering the body, the cercaria travel through the   scarcely noticed. Penetration by the cercariae may cause
                   venous vessels of their human hosts to the heart, lungs,   transient dermatitis (swimmer’s itch). The symptoms
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