Page 148 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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128    CHAPTER 5

                   TREMATODES (FLATWORMS)                           adult form. These metacercariae may also become en-
                                                                    cysted in the skin or tissue of freshwater fish and is the
                   The class Trematoda is estimated to contain 18,000 or   route by which most humans become infected. Fish is a
                   more species that are divided into two subclasses. These   staple in the diet of those living in parts of Africa, Asia,
                   subclasses include Aspidogastrea and Digenea. Aspido-  South America, and the Middle East, where infections
                   gastrea, the smaller of the two, contains approximately   from fish carrying the parasite are contracted. In most
                   80 species. Digenea is the subclass that contains the   species of flukes, the metacercariae will then become
                     majority of the diverse forms of trematodes. Nearly all   enclosed in a cyst and will survive on the surface of the
                   trematodes are parasites of either mollusks or vertebrates   water, except for the blood fluke (genus Schistosoma)
                   (organisms with a backbone) but in some rare instances   which does not undergo this stage.
                   may infect cartilaginous fish which when poorly cooked   These cysts will become attached to vegetation and
                   or eaten raw may infect humans. All trematodes are para-  a mammal eats the vegetation that includes the cysts.
                   sitic but not all species are found in humans; mammals   In the digestive system of the mammal, the larvae will
                   are the host for infections by these flatworms.  leave the ingested cyst and will pass through the intes-
                                                                    tinal walls and migrate to the specific organ which the
                   Life Cycle of Trematodes                         particular species has an affinity for. While in the organ,
                                                                    the immature form of the fluke continues to develop into
                   Trematodes have characteristically complex life cycles   an adult capable of laying eggs. Blood flukes differ from
                   and the larval form may inhabit different life forms than   the path where mammals eat infected water vegetation, as
                   those where the adult trematode will parasitize as an   they become free-swimming cercariae and penetrate the
                   adult. The most often recovered parasites from the class   skin of a host mammal, upon which they will reach the
                   Trematoda are those of the liver fluke and the blood   circulatory system of their hosts.
                   fluke, both of which commonly parasitize humans. The   Flukes are often named by the environment in
                   flukes, regardless of species, follow a similar path toward   which they are found or by the primary host  infected
                   development into adults and the manner in which they   by the parasites. Some flukes are called “pond flukes,”
                   reproduce.                                       as they infect fish found in ponds. Tissue flukes infect
                       When the adult fluke is living in the organs of a   the bile ducts, lungs, and many other specific organs.
                   mammal for which it is adapted, eggs are produced as   Paragonimus  westermani is known as the lung fluke,
                   an immature stage. A female fluke may produce as many   and both Fasciola hepatica and Clonorchis sinensis are
                   as three hundred eggs per day. These eggs pass from the   known as liver flukes. Blood flukes inhabit the circula-
                   digestive tract of their mammalian host into the water   tory system of mammals during some stages of their life
                   where they further develop. Following hatching of the   respective cycles. The most significant trematodes from
                   eggs, a larval form called a miracidium, a free-swimming   a clinical point of  view may be the blood flukes Schisto-
                   stage, will search for a snail as a suitable host. Almost   soma mansoni, S. japonicum, and S. hematobium.
                   all trematodes infect mollusks such as the aquatic snail
                   in the first life cycle of infecting an intermediate host   Schistosomiasis (Bilharziasis)
                    (Figure 5-10). The snail is the intermediate host and the
                   larvae live in the blood vessels of the intermediate host   The three species of Schistosoma have different geo-
                   until they are released from the intermediate host’s body   graphic distributions. S. hematobium is prevalent in
                   in either the urine or feces, dependent upon the species     Africa where the disease caused by the organism is called
                   of the parasite.                                 bilharziasis, and S. mansoni is primarily found in Africa
                       While inhabiting the intermediate host, the fluke   and South America as well as some Caribbean islands.
                   goes through a number of stages in their development   S. japonicum is more common in the Far East. It is es-
                   into an adult. In the sporocyst stage, these cells divide   timated that up to 250 million people may be infected
                   quickly and the resulting sporocysts, called rediae, will   with the various species of schistosomes and 600 million
                   become larvae. These parasitic larvae called cercariae   more may be at risk due to contact with contaminated
                   develop in the mollusk host and will progress through   water in several areas of the world but primarily in Asia.
                   stages called mesocercaria or metacercaria toward the   The morphology of the adult worms is characteristic.
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