Page 152 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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132    CHAPTER 5

                                                                    lateral spine near their posterior end. The anterior end is
                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  Life Cycle of Pinworms
                                                                      tapered, as well as slightly curved.

                                                                    All parasites, including those termed as worms, require
                                                                    a host in order to survive. In the case of pinworms, the
                                                                    human serves as the host. The life cycle of a pinworm is
                                                                    quite simple in comparison with other parasitic organ-
                                                                    isms. Infections originate with the soiled fingers being
                                                                    placed in the mouth or when pinworm eggs are eaten,
                                                                    usually directly by contaminated hands or indirectly
                                                                    through contaminated food, bedding, clothing, or other
                   FIGURE 5-15  Schistosomal cercaria, which is the
                                                                    personal items. The eggs are swallowed into the intes-
                   larval stage of a parasite that causes swimmers’ itch
                                                                    tines where they hatch and mature. An adult pinworm is
                                                                    yellowish to white, somewhat slender, and is slightly less
                                                                    than one-half inch in length. The worms are readily vis-
                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  the gut, the adult female will move down the intestinal
                                                                    ible in the feces of children with heavy infections.
                                                                        Approximately one month following infestation of

                                                                    system and will exit the body through the anus. There
                                                                    she lays a batch of several hundred eggs on the skin
                                                                     surrounding the anus, usually during the night or early
                                                                    in the morning before light enters the bedroom. Upon
                                                                    depositing her eggs, the female pinworm has fulfilled
                                                                    her purpose in life so she then dies. Severe itching often
                                                                      accompanies the laying of the eggs, especially at night.
                                                                    In this way children are able to reinfect themselves by
                   FIGURE 5-16  Egg from Schistosoma mansoni        soiling their fingers and also accumulating eggs on the
                                                                    fingers and under the nails from the bed linens. The cy-
                   S. hematobium and S. japonicum and measure 115 μm   cle of reproduction by transfer of the eggs to the mouth
                   to 175 μm as an average in length for these species. But   where they are again swallowed ensures a steady source
                   other than the size, the greatest differentiating char-  of infection is present.  Also, the eggs may remain viable
                   acteristic is that of its shape, with its very prominent   for up to several days if the conditions are suitable.


                   The organisms commonly called “worms” actually   almost exclusively in northern Africa and India, whereas
                   include three different morphological group, called   the Necator americanus species is the main species seen
                   nematodes, cestodes, and trematodes. Besides amoe-  in North and South America. The A. braziliense and
                   bal infections of the gastrointestinal tract, worms are a   A. tubaeforme species infect only cats but not humans,
                   major contributor also. Nematodes are roundworms   whereas A. caninum infects mainly dogs but sometimes
                   that include the much smaller threadworms with the   humans, especially children.
                   major roundworm groups being the hookworms. The      Illnesses resulting from nematodal infections with
                   hookworm species of Ancylostoma duodenale are found   a number of organisms called hookworms often include
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