Page 159 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 159

Intestinal Nematodes   139

                   the itching of the anus can be effective with the use of   food contaminated with infective eggs is eaten and the
                     various types of soothing anti-itch creams or similar prep-  larvae emerge from the ingested eggs in the intestine.
                   arations. Recurrence of the infection is likely if bed linens   The history of ascariasis is long and has been
                   and bed clothes are not thoroughly washed to kill both    determined to have been an infection plaguing humans
                   eggs and worms, and if personal hygiene is not practiced,   since before recorded history. The eggs of A. lumbricoides
                   including thorough hand washing following trips to the   have been found in human coprolites (stony casts of feces,
                   bathroom and when playing with other children.   also known as coproliths) from several regions in South
                                                                    America that, by various dating procedures, are believed to
                   ASCARIS LUMBRICOIDES                             have been excreted several thousand years ago. In particu-
                                                                    lar, the regions now known as Peru and Brazil have both
                   Ascaris lumbricoides, sometimes considered the “large   yielded evidence of A. lumbricoides in ancient specimens
                   roundworm,” is one of six worms classified by Linnaeus,   (Cox, 2002). Throughout the countries of southwest Asia
                   who performed most of his observations and studies be-  and China, there also is evidence of A. lumbricoides as well
                   tween the 1730s and 1750s. His work took him to countries   as in a Middle Kingdom Egyptian mummy dating from
                   throughout several areas of the world, which confirmed the   1938 to 1600 BC and from China in the Ming Dynasty
                   widespread range of the parasite.  Linnaeus is credited with   between AD 1368 and 1644 (Cox, 2002).
                   giving the scientific name to Ascaris lumbricoides, along with   The evidence from Europe would most likely be
                   other plants and  animals. The names of some of the organ-  scanty at best because human specimens are less well pre-
                   isms he classified more than 270 years ago have remained   served than those in drier climates, accounting for little ar-
                   unchanged. It has been stated in a number of publications   chaeological evidence of the organisms in human remains
                   by health departments and other health care agencies that   from the continent. In the late 1600s Edward Tyson, an
                   up to one billion people or perhaps one-seventh of the   English physician, wrote of and detailed a description of
                   world population are now infected with A. lumbricoides,   the worm itself, although ascariasis had been described
                   because it is a parasite found around the globe.   and treatment documented from several centuries before
                       The chief source of most of the infections by this   Tyson’s contribution. Tyson had learned from Veslius’
                   parasite is the practice of using human feces to fertilize   book that described Lumbricus teres (teres means earth)
                   soil where food is grown. The adult worm lives in the   as perhaps the cause of A. lumbricoides infections con-
                   intestine (Figure 6-2) and the female produces eggs that   tracted from contaminated soil. Anatomical studies require
                   pass with fecal materials, where the larvae within the   good illustrations as well as verbal descriptions, and Tyson’s
                   eggs develop and reach an infective stage in soil. Foods   work was spread broadly over a number of disciplines.
                   grown and gathered from agricultural areas where the   Tyson’s work contained the first illustration of dis-
                   soil is contaminated by feces containing eggs from this   sected internal parasites that depicted both males and
                   species may directly transmit the eggs to humans when   females as well as the eggs of the female. But he greatly un-
                                                                    derestimated the number of eggs that may be produced,
                                                                    with the belief that only around 1000 eggs were laid by
                                                                    each parasite. But later investigations revealed that a sin-
                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  Therefore it is easy to see that an epidemic could easily
                                                                    gle female worm is capable of producing up to 200,000
                                                                    eggs per day during a 1- to 2-year life span (Figure 6-3).

                                                                    start with only a few of the organisms.  Tyson believed the
                                                                    worms reproduced sexually in the intestine, but he did
                                                                    not make the connection of how they arrived there.


                                                                    up to 35 cm (more than 12 inches) in length and that is often
                                                                    excreted in the feces, and is sometimes seen protruding
                   FIGURE 6-2  Ascaris lumbricoides nematodes; larger   A. lumbricoides is a considerably large worm that may reach
                   female can reach over 12 inches                  from or emerging from the anus even when the victim is not
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