Page 163 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 163

Intestinal Nematodes   143

                   whip with a long and slender thread-like anterior portion   by a second parasite such as A. lumbricoides, and per-
                   and with thicker, wider “handles” at the posterior end   haps along with other common intestinal parasites.
                   that is long and slender, described as a threadlike caudal   Whipworm organisms are spread to humans
                   portion. The male is characterized by a slightly coiled   through a fecal-oral transmission when contact with soil
                   tail, whereas the female has a rounded and somewhat   containing whipworm eggs occurs. Whipworm  infections
                   blunt posterior that is not coiled.              are more common in children through playing outside
                       The adult worm ranges from 30 to 50 mm with a   and introducing focally contaminated dirt containing
                   range of 35 to 50 mm for the female. The male is slightly   whipworm eggs into the mouth. Although whipworms
                   smaller than the female, ranging from 30 to 45 mm in length.   are distributed on a worldwide basis, they survive best in
                   The eggs have a mucogelatinous plug at each  terminal end   tropical or semitropical climates including the southeast-
                   of the elongated egg that is bile-stained and barrel-shaped.   ern United States where the weather is warm and humid
                   A smooth but thick shell covers the egg, which is from   and plentiful rainfall is present. In addition, recent stud-
                   45 to 55 μm in length and 20 to 23 μm in width.   ies have shown a possible genetic predisposition to infec-
                                                                    tion with the whipworm.
                                                                    Disease Transmission
                   Whipworm infections in humans can cause a range
                   of symptoms, by presenting no symptoms at all to only   Ingestion of embryonated eggs from both contami-
                   mild symptoms that may progress to somewhat severe   nated water and food is the most common route leading
                   symptoms. As in the case with hookworm infections,   to a whipworm infection. But direct infection from the
                   severely heavy  numbers of whipworms in humans can   soil contaminated with feces and close contact during
                   cause stomach pain with loss of appetite and iron de-   activities such as gardening and farming also provides
                   ficiency, bloody diarrhea, weight loss, rectal prolapse   for a major portion of the cases of trichiuris. In addition
                   (detached rectum), and fecal incontinence.       to placing dirty fingers into the mouth, another common
                                                                    way of becoming infected is the ingestion of T. trichiura
                   Life Cycle                                       eggs due to poor preparation of foods (e.g., eating un-
                                                                    washed vegetables from soil that is contaminated).
                   A simple and direct life cycle for T. trichiuria involves   Following ingestion, the eggs then hatch in the
                   the passage of feces containing eggs that mature in about   small intestine where the resultant larvae grow and molt
                   2 weeks and become infective. Embryonated eggs with   (shed their skin periodically as they grow). These larvae
                   first-stage larvae are ingested from contaminated and   then penetrate the villi of the small intestine and continue
                   packed clay soil that clings to root vegetables and leaves   developing into young worms. The young worms then
                   of other vegetables in many areas of the world where   move to the cecum (first portion of the large intestine)
                   environmental conditions suitable for the propagation   and the duodenum where they penetrate the mucosa
                   of whipworms are present. Development of the larvae   and complete their development to adult worms in the
                   occurs in the duodenum and cecum, where the worm   large intestine. The life cycle from time of ingestion of
                   attaches to the mucosa of the intestine by its anterior   eggs to development of mature worms is approximately
                   mouthparts. In about 3 months, the adult is able to lay   3 months, at which time the female T. trichiura is capa-
                   eggs. A female may produce 2,000 to 20,000 unem-  ble of laying eggs. Adult worms can live up to 5 years and
                   bryonated eggs per day, which may be deposited in the   the female worm can lay up to 20,000 eggs per day for an
                     human feces and into the soil.                 entire lifetime. When these eggs from the feces are used
                       These unembryonated eggs from the stool of the   as fertilizer or if an infected individual has defecated on
                   infected individual incubate in the soil and reach an in-  the ground, the eggs incubate in the soil and become
                   fective capability when they achieve an embryonated   infective when they reach an embryonated stage after a
                   stage after 2 to 3 weeks. The embryonated eggs contain   period of 2 to 3 weeks. As with a number of parasitic in-
                   the first stage of larval development and are contracted   fections, whipworms are frequently transmitted to a host
                   primarily from hard clay soil, where heavy rain fall may   either through eating vegetables grown in contaminated
                   leach other organic nutrients from the soil. It is not   soil or by direct contact by an individual with the soil
                    uncommon to find a T. trichiura infection accompanied   where infective eggs are introduced to the mouth. It is
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