Page 269 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 269

Organisms Borne by Ticks and Other Vectors   249


                   Ticks operate as both parasites and as vectors of para-  as are I. scapularis and I. pacificus, is that of the lone star
                   sites. In this way the tick is able to gain nutrients from the   tick, Amblyomma americanum, also a member of the
                   host and to infect its benefactor with bacterial, rickettsia,    Ixodidae family. This species is blamed for the transmis-
                   and viral diseases. Some of the organisms transmitted   sion of Southern Tick–associated Rash Illness (STARI),
                   must live inside blood cells in order to complete part of   by a Borrelia organism, the same genus that causes Lyme
                   their life cycle. Some of these bacterial diseases are not   disease.
                   between parasitic and basic bacterial infections.    Many diseases of the United States and the world
                       Ticks are blood-feeding parasites that are often   are responsible for spreading diseases over wide areas of
                   found predominantly at the edges of woods, in tall grass   the world. Other than the lone star tick and the deer tick,
                   and shrubs, where they await the opportunity to attach   there are two species of dog ticks of importance in North
                   themselves to a passing warm-blooded animal host.   America: Dermacentor variabilis, commonly called the
                   Ticks can be found in most wooded or forested regions   American dog tick or the eastern wood tick, and the
                   throughout the world and are most common in areas     Rhipicephalus sanguineus, or the brown dog tick.
                   where there are deer trails or human pathways. In these   A veritable multitude of diseases that are tick borne
                   areas, a tick attaches itself to its host by inserting its sharp   are covered in the chapter. Lyme disease is a disorder
                   mandibles called chelicerae and a hollow feeding tube   that involves multiple systems of the body, with chronic
                   called a hypostome into the skin of its host. Ticks are   and serious permanent problems if not treated at the
                   also quite proficient at transmitting parasites and other   right time. Some other countries, particularly several
                   organisms into the bodies of their hosts while they are   that are located in Europe, also suffer Lyme-like diseases
                   feeding on the host’s blood.                     transmitted by species of ticks other than those found in
                       Because ticks do not have wings and are unable   the United States.
                   to jump, as they have somewhat short legs that are not   Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), a rickett-
                   adapted for jumping, physical contact, or close contact   sial disease, is another disorder that is named for a par-
                   is the only method of infestation for ticks. Ticks often   ticular region of the country but is now found in many
                   fall onto their hosts from vegetation but some actually   areas of the United States and even extends into Canada
                   stalk the host on foot. Ticks often take several days to   and Latin and South America. And despite effective
                   complete a blood meal, and the attachment must last for   treatment, the mortality rate stands at approximately
                   roughly a day in order to pass infective organisms on to   5 percent, even with the progress in treatment. RMSF is
                   their hosts.                                     sometimes transmitted through breaks in the skin, be-
                       Ticks require hosts to support the maturation of   cause the organisms are spread throughout the infected
                   the organisms. The significant species of ticks in the   tick’s body.
                   United States that transmit most of the tick-borne dis-  Babesiosis is called the “malaria of the Northeast.”
                   eases are as follows. White-tailed deer in the eastern   Babesiosis is a parasitic disease caused by the genus
                   United States carry the Ixodes scapularis tick, which may   Babesia, and like malaria, is also caused by a protozoan.
                   be found as “seed ticks” on the deer, and the tick popula-  However, a chief difference is that babeosis does not
                   tion is  directly proportional to the white-tailed deer. The   have an extracellular phase in its life cycle, as does the
                   Ixodes pacificus ticks from the western portion of the   causative organism for malaria. Babesiosis is a somewhat
                   United States are responsible for the majority of Rocky   rare infection of the blood caused by a parasite that lives
                   Mountain spotted fever cases in that area, as are the   in some species of ticks. Another similar disease is that
                     Ixodes scapularis for Lyme disease in the eastern parts   it is intracellular caused by the genus Trypanosomiasis is
                   of the country.                                  also attributed to a blood parasite, also a protozoan, but
                       Immature stages of the Ixodes scapularis tick also   is caused by a true bug rather than by ticks or mosqui-
                   feed on small mammals or birds until they are ready to   toes, as are babesiosis and malaria, respectively. Other
                   infest a deer, and are capable of laying up to 2000 eggs   species of Babesia have been reported in other countries
                   following a blood meal of several days. Another hard tick,   and the disease may be self-limiting without treatment,
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