Page 273 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 273



                                        Laboratory Procedures

                                        for Identifying Parasitic

                                        Organisms and Their Ova

                   LEARNING OBJECTIVES

                   Upon completion of this chapter, the learner will be expected to:

                   ■    Relate the important components of properly collecting specimens to include blood, feces, and
                       sputum in order to enhance the recovery rate for parasites present
                   ■    Explain to a simulated patient by role-play the steps involved in collecting and safely transporting
                     a specimen to the clinical laboratory
                   ■    Discuss the theory for making both thick and thin smears for blood pathogens
                   ■    List the four species of malaria that are common human pathogens
                   ■    Describe the symptoms of malaria and how the fever cycles vary among species
                   ■    Prepare and stain both thick and thin smears
                   ■    Discuss the necessity of safety precautions in using blood specimens for parasite studies
                   ■    Contrast the two hematological stains, Wright and Giemsa, and when each are used
                   ■    Use tables, images, and narrative to identify parasites in a variety of specimens

                   KEY TERMS

                   Axoneme                         Gametocytes                     Sigmoidoscope
                   Coplin jars                     Gomori stain                    Supernatant
                   Crustaceans                     Indirect method                 Thin smear
                   Direct smear                    Malarial stippling              Trichrome
                   Duodenal aspirates              Meningoencephalitis             Wet mount
                   EDTA                            Mortality                       Zinc sulfate
                   Ethyl acetate                   Ocular units                    Zygote
                   Flotation                       Schizont
                   Formalin                        Sedimentation

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