Page 275 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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Laboratory Procedures for Identifying Parasitic Organisms and Their Ova   255

                   most frequently in areas with hosts suffering from poor   on microscope slides and studied microscopically.
                   nutrition and low socioeconomic conditions. The host’s   An  indirect method of identification occurs when the
                   body has merely reached an equilibrium where the pop-    patient’s immune response is used for determining the
                   ulation of parasites is somewhat controlled and do not   presence and identification of the parasite(s) since infec-
                   cause overt reactions to the organisms.          tions with multiple organisms sometimes occurs. When
                                                                    a patient is infected, the level of antibodies against the
                                                                    particular parasitic organism will greatly increase due to
                   IMMUNITY TO PARASITIC                            the patient’s body recognizing the organisms as foreign
                   INFECTIONS                                       agents, and an immune response is elicited. Antibody
                                                                    production is specific for each organism and tests have
                   In endemic areas of the world, some individuals show   been developed for a few parasites. These tests are called
                   a tolerance or a resistance for becoming infected by   indirect tests because the procedure determines whether
                   parasites with which the individual invariably comes in   antibodies are present against a specific parasitic organ-
                   contact. Some immunity may be hereditary for some in-  ism rather than determining the actual physical presence
                   dividuals. In others, some become asymptomatic (show   of the parasite. In addition to microscopic methods for
                   no signs of infection) and harbor at least a small number   direct identification, direct serological tests for some par-
                   of parasites indigenous to the area. These persons may   asites (e.g., Giardia lamblia) have a test kit that provides
                   be carriers that are capable of transmitting the organisms   antibodies that will react even against fragments of the
                   to others. In some areas, those who work in food services   G. lamblia present in a stool sample. This method is
                   are required to be screened periodically for a variety of   called a direct test, even though antibodies are a compo-
                   organisms, both for parasites and for other microorgan-  nent of the test procedure, because the reaction is against
                   isms. It should be remembered from earlier chapters   the organism itself and not a measure of the patient’s im-
                   that in many cases, certain animals are natural hosts for   mune response.
                   specific parasites and may suffer no ill effects from the
                   infection, but are nevertheless able to pass the organism   Preventing Infection or
                   to others, including humans.
                                                                    Infestation by Parasites
                                                                    Just as there is a cycle of infection, similar to the chain of
                   Natural and Acquired Immunity                    infection for other infective organisms such as bacteria

                   Antibodies may develop in the healthy individual against   and viruses, a link in the chain must be broken to stop
                   parasites, and cell-mediated reactions, vital components   the spread of a parasitic organism. In order to do this,
                   of an individual’s immune system, develop. This may   knowledge of the organism’s life cycle is important. This
                   cause tissue damage in the infected regions of the body,   includes both primary and intermediate hosts, method
                   but serves to hold the infective organisms at bay when   of reproduction, and the routes by which transmission
                   a human or other animal host with good nutrition and   of the infectious agent gains entry into the body, such
                   health becomes chronically infected. This group is much   as vectors, or lifestyles of the victims. Various species of
                   less likely to develop the severe symptoms observed in   parasites may be found in almost any body site or body
                   those with poor health. Tests for identifying certain   fluid, from solid tissue such as muscle, feces, sputum,
                   parasites such as Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas   aspirations from atria of the body, blood, and urine.
                    vaginalysis have been developed that use the immuno-   Methods for preventing the transmission of parasites
                   logical system where the patient’s response to the infec-  include:
                   tion can be utilized.                             ■    Personal sanitation
                       Most of the procedures for determining the pres-
                                                                     ■    Safe food and water supply
                   ence and identification of parasites use a direct method,
                   which means the parasites themselves are recovered   ■    Health education
                   and are concentrated and sometimes stained to make   ■    Determining infective form and preventing its
                   the identification easier. The treated samples are placed   development
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