Page 274 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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254    CHAPTER 12

                   INTRODUCTION                                     (death). The infestation or infection (those inside the
                                                                    body) of parasites is normally considered the domain
                   Skill must be exercised in determining the method for   of lesser developed countries and regions of the world.
                   preparing specimens and identifying parasites that infect   However, it has been estimated that in some rural areas
                   humans, which number into the hundreds.  Professional   of the United States, intestinal parasites may be found
                   knowledge and technical skills are both required to  provide   in large numbers. For instance, some rural medical clin-
                   the optimum care and diligence necessary to  produce a   ics with patients who primarily drink well water have
                   meaningful examination of a specimen for the presence   reported extremely high intestinal parasite infections in
                   of parasites.                                    today’s modern world with advanced medical practices
                                                                    available in even the most remote locations.
                                                                        Increasing numbers of people are traveling on a
                   INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT                           routine basis to endemic areas of the country and to other
                   AND INDIRECT IDENTIFICATION                      countries with regularity. Primary health care practi-
                   OF PARASITES                                     tioners must become increasingly aware that parasites
                                                                    not ordinarily found in a geographical area may be found
                   The first 11 chapters of this book are devoted to the   during examination of patients and clinical specimens
                   history of the development of parasitology as it relates   who are being treated for other medical conditions. Clin-
                   to human civilization and the life cycles and identifying   ical laboratory technicians and technologists should
                   characteristics of most of the parasites that afflict hu-  communicate with clinicians when patients have non-
                   mans. The medical impact of an infection by a parasite or   specific clinical symptoms that may be due to parasite
                   parasites requires that the types of specimens necessary   infections, and particularly for those patients who have
                   for optimizing the chances of recovery of the organisms   traveled to other countries. There will no doubt need to
                   receive sufficient attention. Proper collection, transport   be more awareness among both clinical personnel with
                   and storage of the specimen should precede the proce-  patient care responsibility and for those who provide di-
                   dures for isolation and identification of the parasites, set-  agnostic services such as radiography and labs. Education
                   ting the stage for accurate identification leading to proper   and training components relative to the broad spectrum
                   treatment for the victim of an infection with a parasite or   of both vectors and parasites should be stressed as the
                   parasites. The purpose of this summary of preliminary   world shrinks and more medical challenges arise.
                   information is to provide a background to consider in
                   beginning the quest for recovery and identification of a
                   variety of parasites.                            IMMUNITY AND PREVENTION
                       As the student has learned from the previous   OF PARASITIC INFECTIONS
                   chapters, the most important step is the recovery of and
                   identification of the organisms. Prevention is an impor-  Many medical conditions that result in an impaired or
                   tant step, but in some areas of the world, it is virtually   altered immune status may result in an infection of a
                   impossible to avoid or prevent parasitic infections. Only   variety of parasites. In some cases, a human is an acci-
                   a small percentage of parasitosis cases are resolved with-  dental host for a parasitic infection and may be entirely
                   out properly timed and handled specimens and careful   unsuitable for the conditions necessary for a parasite to
                   examination of the samples by educated and trained   maintain a population and to reproduce within a host. In
                   professional personnel. Chapter 12 includes the most   these cases the human may be an accidental host but the
                   basic procedures in the files of parasitology, and when   parasites are unable to reproduce and be transmitted to
                   used in conjunction with the previous chapters, the stu-  others. But total lifetime immunity to parasitic infections,
                   dent should be successful in recovering, preparing, and   unlike those for viruses and for some bacteria, is almost
                   identifying the bulk of parasites that impact the health   never the case. In some countries or locales where large
                   of humans.                                       numbers of the population are infested with a particu-
                       Worldwide, parasite infections are an important   lar parasite, the victims may be asymptomatic, but this
                   component of human morbidity (illness) and mortality   is not the same as being immune. This situation occurs
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