Page 116 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 116

In  this  short  phase,  the  chromosomes  become  highly  condensed.  The

               chromosomes  are  aligned  along  the  equator  of  the  cell  as  a  result  of  their
               attachment to the kinetochore microtubules of the mitotic spindles that radiate
               from both spindle poles. The kinetochore microtubules direct the movement of
               chromosomes  toward  the  middle  of  the  cells,  forming  the  metaphase  or
               equatorial plate (Fig. 3.1A, B).


               During this phase, the chromatid pairs separate at the centromere because of an
               enzymatic  action,  and  each  chromatid  now  becomes  a  separate  chromosome.

               These chromosomes now begin their migration to the opposite poles of the cell,
               pulled by the shortening of the kinetochore microtubules, which are attached to
               the centromeres. The migrating or pulled chromosomes exhibit a V shape in the

               cell. In late anaphase, a cleavage furrow in the cell membrane appears at the cell
               equator, indicating the area where the cell will divide (Fig. 3.1C).


               This is the terminal phase of mitosis. It begins when the chromosomes complete
               their migration to the opposite side of the mitotic spindle and the chromosomes
               decondense  into  the  chromatin  of  the  interphase  cell.  Also,  the  nucleolus
               reappears, and the rough endoplasmic reticulum begins to form a new nuclear
               envelope.  A  constriction  of  the  cytoplasm  is  formed  by  the  contractile  ring

               composed  of  actin  filaments,  which  becomes  the  site  of  cleavage  for  the
               separation  of  daughter  cells.  Cleavage  of  the  joined  daughter  cells  follows.
               Cytokinesis  is  the  process  by  which  the  cytoplasm  is  divided  into  two

               genetically identical cells (Fig. 3.1D, E).


               Mitosis is now complete, and the cell is ready for the new interphase to begin.

               The chromosomes have unraveled to become visible as chromatin material in
               the  nucleus.  The  resulting  cell  division  has  produced  two  new  cells  that  are
               identical in their genetic content to the parent cell (Fig. 3.1E).


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