Page 119 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 119


                   Specialized cell division restricted to male and female germ cells
                   Produces ova and sperm with a haploid number (23) of chromosomes

                   Recombination of genes occurs at fertilization of ovum by sperm

               Review Questions


                   In the following multiple-choice questions, choose the letter corresponding
               to the one best answer.

                 1.  The terminal phase of the cell cycle is:

                       A.  telophase.

                       B.  interphase.

                       C.  anaphase.

                       D.  prophase.

                       E.  metaphase.

                 2.  A contractile ring and cytokinesis are seen during:

                       A.  interphase (initial phase).

                       B.  telophase.

                       C.  equatorial plate formation.

                       D.  mitotic spindle formation.

                       E.  centrosome division.

                 3.  The cleavage furrow is formed during:

                       A.  interphase.

                       B.  telophase.

                       C.  anaphase.

                       D.  metaphase.

                       E.  prophase.

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