Page 254 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 254

Review Questions: Section 1


               In the following multiple choice questions, choose the letter corresponding to the
               one best answer.

                 1.  What is responsible for the high water content in cartilage?

                       A.  Proteoglycan aggregates

                       B.  Collagen fibers

                       C.  Perichondrium

                       D.  Elastic fibers

                       E.  Blood vessels

                 2.  Type II collagen fibers are not seen histologically in hyaline cartilage


                       A.  hyaline cartilage is devoid of any collagen fibers.

                       B.  they are covered by chondrocytes and chondroblasts.

                       C.  of the presence of type I collagen fibers.

                       D.  of the increased density of the cartilage matrix.

                       E.  their reflective index is similar to that of the ground substance.

                 3.  What is located in the lacunae of the cartilage matrix?

                       A.  Chondroblasts

                       B.  Mesenchyme cells

                       C.  Chondrocytes

                       D.  Fibrocytes

                       E.  Collagen fibers

                 4.  Where are the chondrogenic cells located in a cartilage model?

                       A.  In the cartilage matrix

                       B.  On the inner layer of perichondrium

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