Page 261 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
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               Similar to cartilage, bone is also a special form of connective tissue consisting of
               cells,  connective  tissue  fibers,  and  extracellular  matrix.  In  contrast  to

               cartilage, minerals accumulate and are deposited in the cartilage matrix causing
               calcification of the developing bones. Consequently, bones become hard and can
               bear more weight, serve as a rigid skeleton for the body, and provide attachment
               sites for muscles and organs.

                   Because of their strength, bones also protect the brain in the skull, the heart
               and  lungs  in  the  thorax,  and  the  urinary  and  reproductive  organs  between  the
               pelvic  bones.  In  addition,  adult  bones  with  red  marrow  function  in
               hematopoiesis  (blood  cell  formation).  Bones  also  serve  as  reservoirs  for
               calcium,  phosphate,  and  other  essential  minerals.  Almost  all  (99%)  of  the

               calcium  in  the  body  is  stored  in  bones,  from  which  the  body  draws  its  daily
               calcium needs.


               All adult bones exhibit similar histology consisting of cells, bony matrix, and the

               neurovascular  bundle  (blood  vessels,  nerves,  and  lymphatics).  Examination  of
               bone in cross section shows two types: compact bone and cancellous (spongy)
               bone (Fig. 7.18). In long bones, the outer cylindrical part is the dense compact
               bone.  The  inner  surface  of  the  bone  adjacent  to  the  marrow  cavity  is  the
               cancellous  (spongy,  not  dense)  bone  with  numerous  interconnecting  areas;

               however,  both  types  of  bone  have  a  similar  microscopic  appearance.  In
               newborns, the marrow cavities of long bones are red and produce blood cells. In
               adults, the marrow cavities of long bones are yellow and filled with adipose (fat)


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