Page 286 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 286

RANKL  molecule  binds  to  RANK  receptors  on  osteoclasts  and  stimulates

                   osteoclast activity

               BONE MATRIX

                   Highly  vascularized  with  blood  vessels  from  periosteum  to  aid  diffusion
                   through calcified matrix
                   Organic  components  of  bone  resist  tension,  whereas  mineral  components
                   resist compression

                   Major organic component is coarse type I collagen fibers
                   Glycoprotein components bind to calcium crystals during mineralization
                   Inorganic  components  are  calcium  and  phosphate  in  the  form  of
                   hydroxyapatite crystals

                   Hormones from the parathyroid gland (parathyroid hormone) and the thyroid
                   gland (calcitonin) are responsible for maintaining the proper mineral content
                   of blood

               PROCESS                     OF            BONE                FORMATION


               Endochondral Ossification

                   Most bones develop by this process, with a hyaline cartilage model preceding
                   Hyaline  cartilage  model  grows  in  length  and  width,  then  calcifies,  and
                   chondrocytes die
                   Mesenchymal cells in the periosteum differentiate into osteoprogenitor cells

                   and form osteoblasts
                   Osteoblasts  synthesize  the  osteoid  matrix,  which  calcifies  and  traps
                   osteoblasts in lacunae as osteocytes

                   Osteocytes establish cell-to-cell communication via canaliculi that open into
                   blood channels
                   Primary ossification center forms in the diaphysis and secondary center of
                   ossification in the epiphysis
                   Epiphyseal plate between the diaphysis and epiphysis allows for growth in

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