Page 366 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 366

and myelinate numerous axons

               GRAY AND WHITE MATTER

                   Gray matter contains neurons, dendrites, and neuroglia

                   Gray  matter  is  the  site  of  connections  or  synapses  between  neurons  and
                   Posterior horns of the spinal cord are associated with axons of posterior roots
                   Anterior horns of the spinal cord are associated with axons of anterior roots

                   White  matter  contains  only  myelinated  axons,  unmyelinated  axons,  and


                   Specialized sites for the transmission of chemical/electrical communication
                   Transmission is unidirectional from presynaptic to postsynaptic neurons

                   The three main synapses are axodendritic, axosomatic, and axoaxonic
                   Consist  of  presynaptic  component,  synaptic  cleft,  and  postsynaptic
                   Transmit nerve impulses from presynaptic to postsynaptic cells

                   Convert impulses into signals to affect postsynaptic cell activities
                   Most synapses contain chemical neurotransmitters in presynaptic regions
                   Neurotransmitters  cross  synaptic  cleft  and  bind  with  receptors  on  the
                   postsynaptic membrane

                   Neurotransmitters produce either excitatory or inhibitory responses
                   Summation  of  excitatory  or  inhibitory  effects  on  the  target  regulates  the
                   effects of stimulus
                   After release, the neurotransmitters are quickly removed from synaptic clefts

               SPINAL CORD

                   Thoracic region of spinal cord contains anterior, posterior, and lateral gray

                   Lateral  horns  contain  motor  neurons  of  sympathetic  division  of  autonomic

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