Page 461 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 461

Cytokines secreted by helper T cells increase the proliferation of activated B

                   B  cells  differentiate  into  plasma  cells  and  secrete  antibodies  to  destroy
                   foreign substances
                   Other activated B cells remain as memory B cells for future defense against
                   the same antigens

               Natural Killer (NK) Cells and Antigen-Presenting

               Cells (APCs)

                   Develop from the same precursors as B cells and T cells
                   NK cells attack virally infected cells and cancer cells as do cytotoxic T cells
                   APCs phagocytose and present antigens to T cells for response
                   APCs belong to the mononuclear phagocytic system

                   APCs  include  connective  tissue  macrophages,  perisinusoidal  macrophages
                   (Kupffer  cells)  in  the  liver,  Langerhans  cells  (dendritic)  in  the  skin,  and
                   macrophages in the lymphoid organs


               Innate Immune Response

                   First line of defense that limits the spread of infection
                   Response  composed  of  the  rapid  response  of  phagocytic  cells  and  their

                   Response is nonspecific and does not produce memory cells

               Adaptive Immune Response

                   Targets  specific  invading  organisms  and  provides  specific  or  adaptive

                   Response is slower than innate response but produces memory cells that can
                   respond to secondary encounters
                   Production of long-lived memory cells is main function of adaptive immunity

                   Two types of specific responses are humoral and mediated immune responses

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