Page 462 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 462

In  humoral-mediated  response,  antigens  induce  B  cells  to  transform  into

                   plasma cells
                   Plasma cells, in turn, secrete specific antibodies to destroy antigens
                   In cell-mediated response, T cells are activated, release cytokines, stimulate
                   other T and B cells, bind to target cells, and destroy them


                   Largest lymphoid organ with extensive blood supply; filters blood and serves

                   as a blood reservoir
                   Surrounded by a connective tissue capsule that divides it into red and white
                   White pulp consists of lymphatic nodules with a germinal center around a

                   central artery
                   T  predominant  in  periarteriolar  lymphatic  sheets  (PALS)  around  central
                   Red pulp consists of splenic cords and splenic (blood) sinusoids

                   Splenic cords contain macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and different
                   blood cells
                   Does not exhibit cortex and medulla but contains lymphatic nodules
                   White pulp is the site of immune response to blood-borne antigens

                   T  cells  surround  the  central  arteries,  whereas  B  cells  are  mainly  in  the
                   lymphatic nodules
                   APCs and macrophages are found in white pulp
                   Breaks  down  hemoglobin  from  worn-out  erythrocytes  and  recycles  iron  to

                   bone marrow
                   Degrades heme from hemoglobin, which is then excreted in the bile
                   During fetal life is an important hematopoietic organ and in adults serves as
                   blood reservoir

               THYMUS GLAND

                   Lobulated  lymphoepithelial  organ  with  dark-staining  cortex  and  light-
                   staining medulla
                   Most active in childhood and has an important role early in life in immune
                   system development

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