Page 685 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 685

Olfactory Epithelium

                   Located  in  the  roof  of  the  nasal  cavity  and  laterally  on  each  side  of  the
                   superior conchae

                   Specialized pseudostratified epithelium consisting of three cell types without
                   goblet cells
                   Contains supportive, basal, and olfactory cells, the sensory bipolar neurons
                   Olfactory cells are the sensory bipolar neurons that respond to smell

                   Olfactory cells span the thickness of epithelium and end as olfactory vesicles
                   Surface  of  vesicles  shows  radiating  nonmotile  olfactory  cilia  that  contain
                   olfactory receptors for odorants
                   Olfactory cilia contain odorant-binding receptors that are stimulated by odor

                   Unmyelinated axons leave bases of olfactory cells to form nerve bundles
                   Nerve bundles continue through skull bone to synapse in the olfactory bulbs
                   of the brain

                   Below epithelium, serous olfactory glands bathe olfactory cilia and provide
                   odor solvents
                   Dissolved  odorant  molecules  bind  to  odorant-binding  proteins  in  fluid
                   produced by olfactory glands

                   Supportive cells provide structural support, whereas basal cells serve as stem
                   cells for the olfactory epithelium
                   Transition from olfactory to respiratory epithelium is abrupt

               Respiratory System—Conducting Portion

                   Extrapulmonary  structures  are  the  nose,  pharynx,  larynx,  trachea,  and
                   extrapulmonary bronchi

                   Intrapulmonary  structures  include  bronchi,  bronchioles,  and  terminal
                   Conditions air by humidifying, warming, and filtering it because of cilia and

                   Secretions from glands contain immunoglobulins, lysozyme, and enzymes to
                   kill bacteria
                   Incomplete hyaline cartilage C rings encircle and keep trachea patent (open)
                   In the lungs, hyaline cartilage plates replace C rings and encircle the larger

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