Page 732 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 732

Distal Convoluted Tubules

                   Shorter than proximal convoluted tubules, less frequent in cortex, and lack
                   brush border
                   Basolateral membrane shows infoldings and contains numerous mitochondria
                   Under the influence of aldosterone, sodium ions actively absorbed from the

                   Peritubular  capillaries  return  ions  to  systemic  circulation  to  maintain  vital
                   acid–base balance

               Juxtaglomerular Apparatus

                   Located adjacent to renal corpuscle and distal convoluted tubule
                   Consists  of  juxtaglomerular  cells,  macula  densa,  and  extraglomerular
                   mesangial cells

                   Juxtaglomerular cells are modified smooth muscle cells in afferent arteriole
                   before entering glomerular capsule
                   Main  function  is  to  maintain  proper  blood  pressure  for  blood  filtration  in

                   renal corpuscles
                   Juxtaglomerular cells respond to stretching in the wall of afferent arterioles,
                   as baroreceptors
                   Macula densa is a group of modified distal convoluted tubule cells
                   Macula  densa  responds  to  changes  in  sodium  chloride  concentration  in

                   glomerular filtrate
                   Decreased blood pressure and ionic content causes release of enzyme renin
                   by juxtaglomerular cells

                   Renin release eventually causes plasma proteins to convert to angiotensin II,
                   a powerful vasoconstrictor
                   Angiotensin II stimulates release of aldosterone, which acts mainly on cells
                   in collecting ducts
                   Collecting  ducts  absorb  NaCl  with  water,  increasing  blood  volume  and

                   Collecting ducts also eliminates hydrogen and potassium to maintain acid–
                   base balance

               Collecting             Tubules,             Collecting              Ducts,          and

               Antidiuretic Hormone

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