Page 729 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 729

Consists  of  capillaries  called  glomerulus  and  double-layered  glomerular

                   (Bowman) capsule
                   Visceral  layer  of  capsule  contains  podocytes  that  invest  fenestrated
                   glomerular capillaries
                   Podocytes exhibit primary processes from which arise smaller pedicles
                   Pedicles form filtration slits around capillaries that are spanned by filtration

                   slit diaphragm
                   Parietal  layer  is  lined  with  simple  squamous  epithelium  of  the  glomerular

                   Between  parietal  and  visceral  layers  is  the  capsular  (urinary)  space  for
                   glomerular filtrate
                   At  vascular  pole,  afferent  and  efferent  arterioles  enter  and  exit  the  renal
                   At opposite urinary pole, ultrafiltrate enters the proximal convoluted tubule

               Blood Filtration

                   In renal corpuscle, it is through glomerular capillaries
                   Consists     of     capillary    endothelium,       basement      membrane,        and

                   Glomerular filtrate enters capsular space between parietal and visceral layers

               Filtration Barrier in Glomerulus

                   Glomerular endothelium is fenestrated and permeable except for blood cells
                   and large proteins
                   Basement membrane restricts molecules the size of albumin

                   Slit diaphragms between pedicles contain the transmembrane protein nephrin
                   Filtration  slits  responsible  for  glomerular  permeability  because  of  size-
                   selective molecular filters

               Renal Tubules

                   From capsular space, glomerular filtrate enters renal tubules that extend to
                   collecting ducts
                   Initial tubule is the proximal convoluted tubule that starts at the urinary pole

                   of renal corpuscle

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