Page 731 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 731

Kidney Cells

                   Responsible for homeostasis of the body
                   Involved in forming urine through filtration, absorption, and excretion
                   Produce  enzyme  renin  to  regulate  blood  pressure  and  maintain  proper
                   filtration pressure in glomeruli

                   Synthesize  erythropoietin  to  stimulate  erythrocyte  production  in  red  bone
                   marrow in response to hypoxia

               KIDNEY TUBULES

               Proximal Convoluted Tubules

                   Proximal  convoluted  tubules  lined  with  brush  border  and  absorb  most  of
                   Basal  infoldings  of  cell  membrane  contain  numerous  mitochondria  and
                   sodium pumps

                   Mitochondria supply energy for ionic transport across cell membrane into the
                   Absorb all glucose, proteins, and amino acids, almost all carbohydrates, and
                   75% to 85% of water

                   Secrete metabolic waste, hydrogen, ammonia, dyes, and drugs into the filtrate
                   for voiding
                   Longer  than  distal  convoluted  tubules  and  more  frequently  seen  in  cortex
                   near renal corpuscles

               Loop of Henle

                   In  juxtamedullary  nephrons,  it  produces  hypertonic  urine  owing  to  the
                   countercurrent multiplier system

                   Countercurrent  flow  of  ultrafiltrate  in  descending  and  ascending  loops  of
                   Henle produces osmotic gradient in the interstitium
                   High interstitial osmolarity draws water from the filtrate as it flows through
                   the loop

                   Vasa  recta  capillaries  take  up  water  from  interstitium  and  return  it  to
                   systemic circulation

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