Page 10 - Free State Summer 2023
P. 10


        Dunston Chestnut Seedling                               Gold Mops Reingold Arborvitae Soft Touch Hollies
        We wanted something that just 1 person could run,       used in summer and winter.
        though 2 or 3 would be more efficient.  In our operation   We set the machine in its temporary location in the shade
        we might be doing 100 one gallons, next 200 three       and near a 120-volt power source. Then we loaded it with
        gallons, then 50 seven gallons in a morning. However, the   our present pine bark and mushroom compost mix for
        main reasons we finally got it was finding consistent labor   a test run. Well, it didn’t feed out of the shoot very well.
        and the rapidly rising cost of it.
                                                                I had wondered about that. But while I was at lunch,
        Another factor in selecting this machine is that to suit our   Larry found that he could fix the problem and now all is
        needs, it needed to be reasonably portable. So far, we   well. He stepped up some Cherry Laurel from #3's to #7's
        plan to put it on skids and make it liftable with our tractor   as his test. Today I moved up some Chindo Viburnums
        frontend forks. As this machine was made to use 120-volt   from #1's to #3's. It was an easy, quick learning process I
        power we will not have to get 3-phase electricity or a   would say, and definitely faster. I think when potting up
        power converter. We have a plan to change the mixing    our rooted cuttings into #1's and 2's this winter, it will really
        area. The mixer does need to be rebuilt, as well. First   shine. Probably the speed of use will be preparation of
        though, we will set up a temporary place for it, to learn it,   the potting mix itself. That will be the limitation. Maybe an
        before going to the 2 or possibly 3 places where it will be   area to store mix prepared beforehand will reduce that

        10   SUMMER 2023 • Free State News
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