Page 15 - Free State Summer 2023
P. 15


        Box Tree Moth

        (Cydalima perspectalis)

        Many of you likely know Lynn Batdorf based on his long   world’s most complete boxwood collections. The arboretum
        affiliation with boxwood. He has written several books   is operated by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), the
        about boxwood. As the Official Registrar for Buxus Cultivars   chief scientific research agency of the U.S. Department of
        from his base at the U.S National Arboretum, Washington,   Agriculture. He also maintains the largest authoritative list of
        DC, Lynn Batdorf steadily worked through the increasing   boxwood known.
        numbers of old and new Buxus cultivars which required
                                                                The following article first appeared in the Boxwood Bulletin
        botanical clarification and descriptive citation before official
                                                                last spring. I solicited Lynn’s permission to reprint the article
                                                                here to which he gave an enthusiastic yes! I found the article
        Lynn R. Batdorf has searched far and wide for boxwood   very informative about our newest threat to the most widely
        in efforts to diversify the collection he curated at the U.S.   purchased landscape plant in the United States. They have
        National Arboretum in Washington, D.C.                  appeared just a few miles from where I grew up in Western
                                                                New York, coming from Canada. There will be a surprise in the
        Batdorf, a horticulturalist, has been curator of the
        arboretum’s National Boxwood Collection since 1977, carefully   article should you choose to read – not telling!
        tending about 150 different species and cultivars in one of the   Jerry

        Since 1859, Cydalima perspectalis, the Box Tree Moth (BTM), has been a minor pest in its
        native habitat of the temperate and subtropical regions East Asia, primarily China, Japan

        and Korea. However, when introduced into a new environment, the effects can be very
        devastating. Cydalima was first reported in Europe (SW Germany and the Netherlands) in

        2007, then quickly recorded in 30 European countries.
                                                                                                  (continued on next page)

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