Page 20 - Free State Summer 2023
P. 20


        Greenhouse Growers Field Day at

        Tidal Creek Growers

        Greenhouse Growers Field Day, hosted   and surrounding states.             technique. Dr. Erwin discussed the
        by Tidal Creek Growers’ facility in   During the remainder of the morning,   different scheduling strategies used,
        Earleville, was held on July 13th. The day   participants attended three of the four   whether you should need frost clothes,
        was a huge success, according to those   stations offered. The stations offered   mist, and the use with baby plants.
        in attendance, and at the end of the   were: New Direct Sticking Techniques   Tidal Creek was actively using this
        day, opportunity was given to take an   to Eliminate Linear Cost and Reduce   technique with their plants and allowed
        optional tour of Tidal Creek Growers’   Crop Time; Weed Control in Perennial   Dr. Erwin to show plants from the
        cannibis facility, SunMed Growers, or   Plant Production; Alternatives to Peat   greenhouse to demonstrate success in
        Murphy John’s, Inc.                                                        the current planting of their mum crop.
                                             in Your Substrates; Getting to Know
        The day began with a welcome by      Wood Fiber Advancing Wireless         Mr. Chuck Schuster led a session
        Tidal Creek Growers’ owner, Jake Van   Environmental Monitoring Systems    on Weed Control in Perennial Plant
        Wingerden, who shared a little bit   for Greenhouse and Nursery Crop       Production. Chuck shared with
        about their operation. Welcomes from   Production; and New Varieties: What   the group the best practices and
        MNLGA President John Murphy and      Growers Should be Growing for 2024.   techniques in weed control. He talked
        Executive Director, Vanessa Finney   New Direct Sticking Techniques to     about his own experiences with
        followed. George Mayo shared a little   Eliminate Linear Costs and Reduce   perennials as well as new techniques
        about the MNLGA Certified Professional   Crop Time, presented by Dr. John Erwin,   that are always evolving. Attendees of
        Horticulturist Certificate (CPH) Program.                                  this session were able to ask questions,
                                             shared best practices when using this
        Attendees had the opportunity to hear
        from MDA’s Deputy Secretary, Steve
        Connelly and Michael Calkins, new
        to the position of Assistant Secretary
        for the Office of Plant Industries and
        Pest Management. Kimberly Rice,
        Program Manager, Plant Pest and Weed
        Management Program also spoke,
        sharing important updates impacting
        Ms. Rice shared that spotted lantern
        flies are still very much an issue in the
        Maryland and urged attendees to
        make sure that they are following pest
        management restrictions, including
        permits to transport within quarantined
        areas, which includes most of Maryland   Dr. John Lea-Cox and Dr. Andrew Ristvey share their experience with Wireless Environmental
                                             Monitoring Systems

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