Page 21 - Free State Summer 2023
P. 21
talk with each other, and share their
Dr. Andrew Ristvey and Dr. John Lea-
Greenhouse Growers Field Day at Cox presented Alternatives to Peat
in Your Substrates: Getting to Know
Wood Fiber Advancing Wireless
Tidal Creek Growers Environmental Monitoring Systems
for Greenhouse and Nursery Crop
Production, a show and tell of sorts.
They shared about the wireless
environmental monitoring system
that they have used. Attendees of this
session had the opportunity to see
some of the equipment used in this
technique. One of the sensors was
small and thin, allowing utilization in
plants with minimal interruption to the
growth of the plant. John and Andres
shared how this technique was also that they suggested a greenhouse Photo clockwise from above center:
cost-effective for use in a greenhouse or nursery might carry for the 2024 Paul Hartnett of Pleasant View Gardens
or nursery. season. Each shared new series for talks about their 2024 varieties.
The final station was New Varieties: well-known favorites in the home and Vanessa Finney, MNLGA Executive Director,
welcomes attendees
What Growers Should be Growing for garden world and some new varieties. It Chuck Schuster leads a discussion on Weed
2024. Brett Karp of Griffin Greenhouse; is never too early to start thinking about Control in Perennial Plant Production
Paul Hartnett of Pleasant View Gardens; the next season. Kimberly Rice from the Maryland
and Charlie Cole of Dummen Orange After lunch, attendees were given a Department of Agriculture gives attendees
shared about the new varieties and tour of the Tidal Creek Facilities, getting Pesticide updates.
current varieties of flowers and plants (continued on next page)
Get Active. Stay Involved. • SUMMER 2023 21