Page 26 - Free State Summer 2023
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½ days, workshops, field trips,
panel discussions, posters, and
plenary presentations provided
the framework for learning,
networking, sharing information,
and broadening perspectives.
Topics included discussion
about species selection and
sourcing, habitat restoration
methods, pollinator habitat
design, commercial native
seed production, the National
Native Seed Strategy, funding
opportunities, regional seed
banking, and workshops on seed
mix design and climate modeling
to guide restoration efforts. The
National Native Seed Strategy will
be updated at some point in the
near future, and you can learn Multiple species of seed are often needed for a single restoration site. Pictured here—before mixing—to
more about it at https://www.blm. display the diversity of seed used by IAE’s Northwest Plant Materials Program (PMP). Photo credit: Institute
for Applied Ecology
will thrive over a period of decades, and may also have
Native seed restoration project goals range from
some applicability for landscape designers deciding
improving wildlife habitat, reversing the spread of invasive
what to include in designs for the long term or even for
plant species, preparing or recovering from disaster,
ornamental growers deciding what to grow. A panel
mitigating the impact of land use, and promoting
presentation on “Pollinator Restoration in a Changing
ecological resilience. The urgency, as explained by the
Climate” shared that the National Wildlife Federation
IAE’s Director Dr. Tom Kaye, is that climate change is
is working with the US Geological Survey to identify
happening ten times faster than plants can shift their
mid-Atlantic climate resilient plant lists for ecological
range. Native seed shortages exist due to pressures such
restoration that should have cross-over benefits for those
as increasing adverse weather events and habitat loss.
using native plants for landscaping. Keeping an eye
For this reason, everyone needs to learn from one another
on these subjects may be useful for the success of your
successful strategies of working with seed so that none
business and your bottom line over the long term. A
is wasted. This includes seed origin and adaptability,
collecting seed sustainably, storing it for longevity, sharing
resources through regional seed banks, and successfully Leslie Hunter Cario
establishing seeds sown directly in the ground or as plant Chesapeake Horticultural Services
material that will be planted.
MNLGA membership includes those growing plants
for restoration purposes or working on these plant MNLGA board member Leslie Hunter
Cario runs Chesapeake Horticultural
installations. If you fall into this category, you may wish Services, consulting with nurseries,
to check out the resources offered by the Native Seed landscape operations, and non-
Network, including their list of Seed Selection Tools. The profit organizations. Leslie is a Class VII graduate of the
tools are helpful in selecting plants for particular areas, LEAD Maryland Foundation fellowship, where she took part
some of which make use of climate modeling. The in extensive training in agricultural and natural resource
modeling is a consideration for planting species that leadership throughout Maryland and Chile.
26 SUMMER 2023 • Free State News