Page 22 - Free State Summer 2023
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MEMBER EVENT (Continued)
to see the grounds, greenhouses, and learn partnership. And finally, thank you to all
more about Tidal Creek’s operations. The our annual Wye Oak sponsors, Angelica
day we were there, they were moving some Nurseries, Babikow Greenhouses, Horizon
of their almost 100,000 potted mums out to Farm Credit, Tidal Creek Growers, Jerry
their fields. Managers Mike Leubecker and D.’s Quality Bark, The Perennial Farm,
Chris Holshouser shared with attendees Walnut Springs Nursery, Inc., and Waverly
some of the processes and techniques they Farms, as well as our annual Black-Eyed
use at the greenhouse. Susan sponsors, The HC Companies, The
Soulful Gardener, North Creek Nurseries,
We are most appreciative of Jake Van
Wingerden, Mike Leubecker, Chris and Edrich Lumber, Inc. Your continued
Holshouser, Danny Mendez, and all those support means so much to the successful
on the Tidal Creek Growers staff, about implementation of our events and
twenty in total, who helped us plan, programs.
organize and conduct this event. And what Visit to learn more about the CPH
is an MNLGA event without the help and Program and upcoming events, including
support from the University of Maryland Nursery Field Day (September 13th at Abby
Extension? We appreciate this continued Farms), MANTS, and Chesapeake Green, to
mention a few. A
22 SUMMER 2023 • Free State News