Page 25 - Free State Summer 2023
P. 25

GROWING FORWARD A Leslie Hunter Cario

        Thoughts from the National

        Native Seed Conference

             or those of us growing
             plants, how often does the
        Fquestion arise of the source
        of the seeds? How about for those
        of us designing with or installing
        plant material, wondering about
        how those plants were started?
        Can growers acquire seed from
        an area that makes sense, and
        is enough seed available for
        current needs? Certainly, the
        source of seed for growing plant
        material will influence the plants’
        genetics. This may be less of a
        concern for plants being used for
        ornamental purposes, perhaps
        even grown from cuttings or
        tissue culture, as long as the plant
        species are reasonably adapted
        to the climate where they will be   Wild seed collected for the Bureau of Land Management’s Seeds of Success Program. Photo credit: Emily
                                           Wittkop and Institute for Applied Ecology
        planted. Questions of seed origin
        and adaptability should be given greater consideration   to the science, practice, and policy of producing and
        when the plant material is native, being grown to restore   effectively using native seed” and organized around
        landscapes such as meadows, forests, shorelines,        the theme of exchanging practical information among
        buffers, wetlands, and streams. This past spring, taking   practitioners facing similar issues in different regions to
        part in the National Native Seed Conference, the world’s   support land management
        largest gathering focused on native seed, provided an   efforts. The NNSC is
        opportunity to interact with and learn from restoration   sponsored by the Institute
        practitioners, researchers, and seed producers working in   for Applied Ecology (IAE)
        the restoration sector of the green industry. Highlights are   and supported by the
        shared here for those who would like to learn more.     Native Seed Network—a
                                                                program of the IAE. Learn
        The 2023 National Native Seed Conference (NNSC)         more at https://appliedeco.
        Cultivating the Restoration Supply Chain, held in       org. Over the course of 3
        Alexandria, Virginia from March 27 – 30, was “dedicated
                                                                                               (continued on next page)

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