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106                                                                Chapter 2

        resonance (MRI) and X-ray imaging, ultrasonic imaging and night vision, seismic active and
        passive imaging, detection and localization of lightning ,  underwater exploration, crop and
        forestry inventorying for yield prediction, weather forecasting, satellite mapping, active and
        passive tags, etc.

        In general, using the remote sensing, we are trying to solve the so-called inverse problem: how
        to reconstruct some physical object or phenomenon at a distance based on the set of more or
        less complete measured data. Since it is rather seldom known how much data are enough, such
        inverse problems are regarded as one of the toughest in mathematics and electrodynamics.
        Nevertheless, let us show without much detail how a quite modest remote sensing problem can
        be formulated and solved using the K-K relations.

        Suppose we need to measure the salinity of water remotely in the middle of the deep sea. For
        simplicity, assume that the weather conditions are so ideal that the sea surface is perfectly flat.
        From the literature survey, we know that the complex permittivity of sea salt water strongly
        depends on its salinity. If so, our identification mission is to measure this relative permittivity
        remotely. One of the ways to do this is to send a broadband signal from radar installed on
        satellite or aircraft in the direction of tested sea area and measure the energy reflected from the
        sea surface. Another source of the signal in such test might be solar radiation. In both cases, we
        can estimate relatively straightforward the power of reflected from the sea surface signal and
        the magnitude of reflection coefficient |()|  at multiple frequencies. Later we will show
        that the complex reflection coefficient and permittivity  () is related as
                                           1−�  ()
                                    () =
                                           1+�  ()
                                                           �                   (2.116)
                                           2          () 2
                                    1−()  1−|()|
                          ∴   () = �  � = �       �
                                    1+()  1+|()| ()
        Clearly, our real number data sample of |()| is not sufficient because the salt water absorbs
        energy and its permittivity   ()  certainly is a complex number.  Therefore, we need to
        determine the phase factor  ()  of reflection coefficient. But any phase measurements are
        quite challenging, typically not very accurate and have the phase ambiguity problem or 2π-
        problem. Look back at (2.111) and you will see that the phase measurement might be replaced
        by analytical or numerical calculations using the second equation in (2.111) rewritten in the
        form of (2.113) as

                                         2  ∞  ln(|()|/|()|) 
                                () = −  ∫                                (2.117)
                                           0  −  +
        As soon the phase factor is found, the complex permittivity is fully determined. Surely on our
        way to a solution, we cut the problem to bare bones and omitted many essential details. But one
        problem persists in all of the K-K relations applications. According to (2.113) the knowledge
        of |()| is required over the entire spectrum from 0 to infinity. Since such data are practically
        not available, the integral in (2.113) is evaluated over a truncated frequency band that leads to
        more or less accurate approximation for the phase factor. In case of materials with properties
        described by (2.111) we can get some help.

        33  Numerically, the reflection coefficient is the portion of transmitted and striking a sea surface signal
        that is reflected back.
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