Page 134 - Maxwell House
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114                                                                Chapter 3

                                       Chapter Contents

         Introduction                     115     3.2.1   Necessary of Uniqueness
                                                            Theorem                  136
         3.1    ELECTROMAGNETIC                   3.2.2   Uniqueness Theorem in
                FIELD CONSERVATION                       Space-Time Domain              136
                LAWS                      115      3.2.3   Uniqueness Theorem in
         3.1.1   Conservation of Energy in               Space-Frequency Domain      138
                Space-Time Domain              115   3.2.4   Cavity Resonators              139
         3.1.2   Power Delivered by               3.2.5   Quality Factor Q of Cavity
                Excitation Currents     117              Resonator                  141
         3.1.3   Voltage, Current, and Power      3.3    UNIQUENESS THEOREM
                Loss                      118            FOR EXTERIOR
         3.1.4   Power Stored in                         ELECTROMAGNETICS
                Electromagnetic Fields           118     PROBLEMS                 142
         3.1.5   Electromagnetic Power            3.3.1   Radiation Condition               142
                Flux and Poynting’s Vector   118   3.3.2   Edge Boundary Condition      143
         3.1.6   Velocity of EM Waves             3.3.3   Influence of Conductive
                Energy Transportation           120      Surface Curvature on Electric
         3.1.7   Linear Momentum of EM                   Charge and Current
                Fields. Radiation Pressure               Distribution             146
                and Solar Sailing         120     3.3.4   Field Electron Emission         148
         3.1.8   Angular Momentum of EM           3.3.5   How to Treat Problem of
                Fields Polarization. Twisted             Field Singularities in
                EM Waves                123              Numerical Simulation?          148
         3.1.9   Collecting the Results            125   3.4   REFLECTION CONCEPT.
         3.1.10  Poynting’s Theorem and                  LORENTZ’s
                Circuit Analysis           126           RECIPROCITY
         3.1.11  Concept of Capacitance         126      THEOREM                  149
         3.1.12  Concept of Inductance           128   3.4.1   Concept of Reflection and
         3.1.13  Parasitic Parameters               129   Impedance                    149
         3.1.14  Self - Resonances in             3.4.2   Foster's Reactance Theorem  153
                Capacitor and Solenoid          131   3.4.3   Lorentz’s Reciprocity
         3.1.15  Why did We Pay so Much                  Theorem                  155
                Attention to the Lumped           3.4.4   Receive-Transmit Antenna
                Circuit Elements?               132      Reciprocity               156
         3.1.16  Poynting’s Theorem in Space-     3.4.5   Ultra-WideBand (UWB)
                Frequency Domain         133             Antenna Impulse
         3.2    UNIQUENESS                               Response (Response in the
                THEOREM FOR                              Time Domain)              158
                INTERIOR                          3.4.6   Reciprocity and Antenna
                ELECTROMAGNETICS                                Radiation Pattern
                PROBLEMS                   136               Measurement                   159
                                                  REFERENCES                       161
   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139