P. 193

Aside from research publication, faculty researchers presented their works in various conferences to disseminate the result of their

                                                    Title of                              Researcher/s
                                     Title of       Confer-     Date      Venue                                Title of        Title of       Date       Venue
                                    Research                                                                 Research        Conference
               Researcher/s                           ence
              Matronillo M.     The Leadership                                           Roger S.          Smart Micro-
              Martin            Practices Em-        Annual                              Tamargo           climate Con-       26  World
                                ployed Among        CamTE-       Feb.     Phnom                            troller for      Conference on
                                Student Leaders       SOL        6-10,     Penh,         Thelma D.         Propagation       Applied Sci-                Manila
                                Of  Ifugao State     Confe-     2020     Cambodia        Palaoag           Greenhouse         ence, Engi-
                                University            rence                                                on Growing        neering and
                                Potia Campus                                                               New Plants        Technology
              Matronillo M.                         Interna-                                               from Seeds
              Martin            The Implementa-     tional Re-                           Aimee G. Aco-
                                tion of Student      search      Oct.     Cagayan        ba
              Anne Marie D.     Affairs and Ser-     Confer-      1-2,    De Oro         Christopher
              Pahiwon           vices: A Forma-      ence on    2020
                                tive Evaluation      Higher                              Franco Cunan-     JuCo-IS: A         2020 IEEE
                                                   Education                             an                Development       10  Interna-
              Matronillo M.     The Implementa-                                                            of Web-Based     tional Confer-
              Martin            tion of Student     Regional     Dec.    Cordillera      Niño E.           Information       ence on Sys-    Nov. 9,   Shah Alam,
                                Affairs and          Sympo-      8-9,   Administra-      Merencilla        System in Ju-    tem Engineer-     2020      Malaysia
              Anne Marie D.     Services: A Form-     sium      2020     tive Region                       dicial Region-   ing and Tech-
              Pahiwon           ative Evaluation                                         Ryan R.           al Trial            (ICSET)
              Domingo                                 Int’l
              Junior            Development of     Journal of                            Michael  Ange-
              P. Ngipol         an IoT Driven      Innovative                            lo D. Ligayo
                                System for High     Tech. and    Jan.    Bangkok,
              Thelma D.         Value Crop          Exploring   2020      Thailand       Glenn John                         1     Interna-
              Palaoag           Farming            Engineering                           Fernando                           tional    Re-
                                                    (IJITEE)                                               GSM Based        search Confer-
                                                     2  Int’l                            Dennis            Home Auto-       ence  in  Com-
                                                                                                           mation Smart
                                                    Conference                           Malunao                            puting,  Engi-
                                Designing an        on Science,                                            Controlled       neering,  Busi-
                                IoT Framework      Engineering          Indonesia        Ryan Tejada       Power outlet     ness,  Sciences
                                for High Valued     and Tech-                                              using An-        and Education
                                Crops Farming                                                              droid Phone      (IRCCEBSE)

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