P. 198
Implemented Extension Activities, Projects and Programs Terminated Extension Activities, Projects and
Programs Presented During the
Activities College/ Funding Status Remarks Agency In-House Review
Dept. Agency
Concerned Extension Activity/ College Presenter Remarks
Soap Provision and CBM CHED Conducted CHED Project
Allocation for every Funded Production and CBM Lorna C. 1 place and
Juan Commercialization of Ildefonso accepted for
Pandesalamat CBM CHED Conducted CHED Calamansi-based Bath regional
Funded soaps Presentation
Onsite Field Day: CAF STF-IFSU On going IFSU Onsite Field Day: Man- CAF Carmelito Enhance and sup-
Mango and Pomelo Funded go and Pomelo off- C. Valdez port the project
off-season Production season Production until perceive by
Establishment of CAF STF-IFSU On going IFSU the client
Pomology Model Funded Among the 12 terminated extension project and
Farm (Lemon and
Rambutan) activities in the A.Y. 2019, the campus had two (2) entry
Enhance Native CAF STF-IFSU On going IFSU during the Agency In-house review of completed extension
Chicken Production Funded activities which was presented by the proponents from the
EcoTRIS CAF STF-IFSU On going IFSU College of Business Management (CBM) and the College of
Funded Agriculture and Forestry (CAF). The “Production
Mental Health Talks Guidance STF-IFSU On going IFSU Commercialization of Calamansi-based Bath soaps” project
on Air Office Funded of the CBM garnered the 1 place among the extension
Simplified Design of CCS STF-IFSU On going IFSU projects of the University and was qualified as a competing
Computer Aided Funded entry of IFSU during the Regional Research Consortium
Materials which was held in Benguet State University on
Basic Electrical In- CCS STF-IFSU On going IFSU December 18-19, 2020.
stallation and Train- Funded
ing Workshop
Basic Solar Power CCS STF-IFSU On going IFSU
Technology and Funded
Training Workshop
Agriculture Innova- CCS STF-IFSU On going IFSU
tion: Workshop on CAF Funded
the application of IC
Technology in