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Faculty members are becoming more and more aware on the importance of knowledge-driven growth as a result of research in
         order to promote IFSU as a reservoir of knowledge in the country. Hence, faculty members submitted their research proposals during
         their research proposals and participated during the University in-house review on December 17, 2020.

                  Title of Research Proposals                  Proponent/s                     Title of Research Proposals                 Proponent/s
          College of Computing Sciences                                                 College of Education
         1    IFSU CODETE: E-Learning Management         Engr. Roderick Y. Vicente      7    Instructions’ competence and Respon-     Matronillo M. Martin, EdD.
              System Delivery Implementation and         Richard S. Marcelo                  siveness in Multimedia in the Teaching-
              Assessment using ISO/EIC 25010 Software                                        Learning Process
              Quality                                                                   8    Preservice Teachers’ Career Stage in the Phil-  Matronillo M. Martin, EdD.
         2    A Tracer Study on the Employability of     CCS Faculty                         ippine Professional Standards for teachers
              BSIT, BSCE in 2008-2017                                                        Stress Experience and Coping Strategies   Joel Marc A. Ngohayon
         3    ICT Lab Optimization: Building Virtual IoT  Roderick Y. Vicente           9    among Students of Ifugao State Universi-  Eloise Amor C. Culimay
              Networks Environment                                                           ty Potia Campus on Distance Learning     Jan Mar S. Mateo
         4    Digital Design of Home Automation          Glenn John O. Fernando,             during Covid-19
              System: Android-based Smart Controlled     Dennis C. Malunao,             10   Pagkatuto sa Panahon ng Pandemya sa      Carlos G. Longgat, Jr.,
              Electrical Outlet Using Solar Energy       Ryan R. Tejada                      IFSU Potia Campus: Isang Pag-aaral       Felisa M. Aniceto,
         5    Integrating Indigenous Knowledge for       Regina B. Mendoza, Ph.D.,                                                    Nerissa N. Behhay
              Sustainable Education: A Contextualized    Valentina I. Buminaang,PhD.    11   Ayangan Ifugao Lexicon: A Handy
              Education in Ifugao                                                            Wordbook  for Mother Tongue-based Multilin-  May Grace O. Ongan
         College of Business and Management                                                  gual Education (MTB-MLE)  Program
         6    Formulation and Analysis of Calamansi-     Lorna D. Ildefonso, DBA        12   Readiness for Flexible Learning Amidst   Jesthony L. Juan,
              based Liquid Hand Soaps                    Olivia D. Mongguiho                 of COVID-19 Pandemic of IFSU Potia        Ivy Cherylyn P. Bognadon,
         College of Education                                                                Campus                                   May Grace O. Ongan
         7    Instructions’ competence and Responsive-   Matronillo M. Martin, EdD.     13   Research Competencies of DepEd Teach-    Roger D. Capua,
              ness in Multimedia in the Teaching-                                            ers: Towards Development of Research     Maribel T. De Guzman,
              Learning Process                                                               Enhancement Training Program             Mary Grace A. Santiago

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