Page 40 - Urban Kapital Magazine Autumn 21
P. 40

             THROW YOUR SHADE

                                                                                                                                                  ADE X OF NUBIAN SKIN


                        Kamohelo Maphike: There isn’t much   In some cases, people end up   South Africa and how has it
                       colourism in my family as everyone   bleaching their skin to be able to fit   affected the employment process?
                       is pretty much the same shade/tone.   a certain look.
                       My sister however, is mixed race                                  Wakhile Zimu: I currently work for
                       (coloured in South Africa) therefore   Ayanda Gumede: I think that above   an organization that is diverse in
                       the treatment towards her is a bit dif-  everything else, appearance is what   culture and its people. I have not at
                       ferent. This is attributed to by the fact   it is about. From a young age, girls   this point been in a position where
                       that she possesses a lighter tone and   are taught that lighter skinned   colourism has come into play. The
                       “good hair” – the coily curly hair, of-  women are prettier than their dark-  biggest issue in corporate South
                       ten referred to as 3C hair. She is often   er peers. So, with that mentality in-  Africa is gender inequality, where
                       treated like a princess in the sense   stilled in their minds at a young age   there is still a great gap in terms of
                       that she does not do chores and won’t   the  need  to  change  their appear-  women occupying senior positions
                       even visit the township.         ance is somewhat validated. I also   and those in the same positions as
                                                        feel that social media plays a huge   their male counterparts still get
                       3.     What would you say is the   role in further perpetuating the in-  paid less for the. However, there
                       main reason behind colourism and the   accurate standards of beauty set by   is a lot of colourism in the enter-
                       great lengths many POC go through   society.                      tainment industry, the average
                       to change the colour of their skin and                            ‘employable’ woman is the light
                       overall appearance?              Kamohelo Maphike: I am somewhat   skinned, petite with long hair wom-
                                                        between the dark and light shades   an and they are often described to
                       Wakhile Zimu: Popular culture has in-  so I wouldn’t say I have experienced   be more appealing to the eye.
                       fluenced colourism as well as the lan-  colourism in its worst form. But I
                       guages we use. The narrative that has   can say that a lot of people are influ-  Ayanda Gumede: In big companies,
                       been perpetuated is that a woman has   enced by social media and the com-  the  majority  of  panellists  during
                       to have a certain look. We see this in   parisons between shades in their   job interviews is white people.
                       advertisements and on social media   families and lives.          This somewhat impacts on how
     MAGAZINE // 40    certain shade and shape, you cannot   4.   How has colourism shaped   the candidate is viewed in terms of
                       platforms; the idea that if you are a

                                                                                         their skin tone as opposed to what
                                                        your outlook on corporate
                       exist in certain spaces or fit in.
                                                                                         they bring to the table,
                          Continued...Kia Fullerton
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