Page 41 - Urban Kapital Magazine Autumn 21
P. 41

The discussions with Wakhile, Ayanda and
                                                                              Kamohelo reflect that the ideal corporate
                                                                              candidate would not only be lighter in com-
                                                                              plexion but would also have a certain look
                                                                              to them (light coloured eyes and hair that
                                                                              is straight).

                                                                              This then opens up the discussion of the hi-
                                                                              erarchy within colourism itself, when one is
                                                                              darker skinned with African features such
                                                                              as a wider nose, thick lips and coarse 4C
                                                                              hair; they are regarded less desirable when
                                                                              compared to their lighter toned peer with
                           ADE X OF NUBIAN SKIN                               the same features. With further discussion,
                                                                              the realization that the two women would
                                                                              also  be found  less  appealing  when  com-
    comprehension of the questions posed,   If you are a tall and dark man in a suit, you   pared to a lighter skinned person with Eu-
    fluency in languages, etcetera. The darker   naturally command respect. Hiring a tall,   ro-centric features such as a thinner nose,
    you are the less intelligent you are per-  dark man also represents diversity for a   straight (at most coily 3C hair when the
    ceived to be. I have always had white and   company so it essentially is ‘a god look’.   company is driving diversity as their corpo-
    lighter toned superiors so it has become                                  rate image) hair as well as thin lips.
    a norm to expect lighter toned people in   Ayanda Gumede: Definitely, especially for
    positions of power.                  women. I sometimes feel that recruiters   When it comes to body modification, vari-
                                         use facial and body features as a criterion   ous skin-bleaching methods have been in-
    Kamohelo Maphike: In my experience,   in the recruitment process, especially if the   troduced for, mostly, women to bleach or
    working as an English as a Second Lan-  candidates for the position are just wom-  lighten their skin to conform to the harmful
    guage (ESL) teacher to Asian students   en. Recruiters tend to choose the shapely,   societal beauty standard of ‘lighter is bet-
    and under a company that preferred light-  lighter toned woman. Even in the ‘hierar-  ter’. The influence of social media and pop-
    er toned people was an issue for me. The   chy’ the lighter skinned candidate will often   ular culture have been evident in the rise
    managers would adjust the camera  set-  possess a position higher that their darker   of body modification as many social media
    tings to make you appear lighter because   skinned peer who may even be more quali-  influencers have resorted to filming their
    clients also preferred lighter toned people   fied than they are.         procedures and sharing tips and tricks to
    which made me feel less than and unwor-                                   achieving certain body goals.
    thy. I had to make a decision to either per-  Kamohelo Maphike: There is a hierarchy,
    severe or seek employment somewhere   for example in the teaching company that I   Skin lightening creams and lotions such as
    else. I chose to leave.              worked for, most lighter skinned colleagues   Caro light and Extra Clair are found in many
                                         were not told to change their hairstyles   shops and in the streets of Johannesburg,
    I also worked for another company; which   (from African styles like braids to straight   South Africa. Some local celebrities such as
    specialised in insurance sales where if   weaves) and have their camera settings   Kelly Khumalo and Khanyi Mbau have gone
    you were white or of a lighter tone, you   adjusted.                      as far as getting routine chemical injection
    were given the easier to sell policy plans                                skin lightening. We see many people of col-
    whereas the darker toned employees   The colourism experience of each person of   our opting for surgeries and do it yourself
    would be given the more difficult tasks.   colour differs as they grow and evolve. One   (DIY) methods in an effort to change their
                                         can even say that the topic of colourism is   appearance  to  match  that  of  the  current
    5.      POC  have  many  shades  and   the toughest pill to swallow in society be-  trends on social media and celebrities.
    tones, would you say that colourism has   cause most people do not want to accept
    created a hierarchy in the workplace and   the idea that certain individuals and groups   When looking at the various ways many ce-
    do you think features such as hair, facial   are treated differently because of their skin   lebrities have chosen to celebrate the many
    features and body type influence the “so   tone.                          shades that people come in, one wonders
    called” hierarchy as well as employabili-                                 how the growing generations will deal with
    ty?                                  Colourism is often brought up in con-  colourism.  Celebrities  like  Rihanna  who
                                         versations of beauty and societal beauty   released  a  make-up  line  that  caters  and
    Wakhile Zimu: It goes two ways. Firstly,   standards and not necessarily in the work   matches to 40 shades of colour show that
    for women features matter. You might   environment. In most companies, the ‘’hi-  beauty can be celebrated in all shades, age
    have the qualifications and even the skin   erarchy’’ involves white men and women   and race without bashing the other. Ade X
    tone but if you do not fit “the look” then   in executive positions and when there is a   of Nubian Skin created a lingerie and ho-
    you might not get the job. Secondly, where   person of colour; the position is filled by the   siery brand for women of colour because of
    men  are  concerned colourism  plays  a   lighter toned candidate with – as per the   the lack of inclusivity in the retail industry   MAGAZINE // 41
    huge role in corporate South Africa.   ‘normal’ society standards of beauty have   for women of colour.
                                         labelled - appealing to the eye.     Continued...
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