Page 46 - Urban Kapital Magazine Autumn 21
P. 46



          African weddings are events that not   The second phase of the wedding     It all starts with a group of wom-
          only join two individuals together but   process is the pre-marriage       en emerging from a nearby hut to
          also create a bond between the two     initiation.                         escort a man hidden under a Chit-
          families. The various traditions and                                       enge.
          rituals are performed in preparation   This process takes place either at
          for the wedding, within the 54         the onset of puberty, menstruation   He then walks to the centre of the
          countries in the continent of Africa.   or just before marriage.           gathering where the brother of
                                                                                     the bride lifts up the Chitenge to
          The many cultures have managed to      The initiation process for young    see if the man under the Chitenge
          maintain the traditions that are       women features strict instructions   is indeed the man his sister wants
          believed to have been practiced by     pertaining to marriage.             to marry.
          generations long before the lightbulb
          was invented. We take a look at the    The third phase of the wedding      If he is not, then he will have to go
          similarities and uniqueness of two     process is the Dowry.               back to where he came from and
          African cultures and their wedding                                         the women will have to escort an-
          processes as well as the decadent      The dowry is considered to be a     other man from the hut.
          food that different cultures share.    token of appreciation for the groom
                                                 and usually comes in the form of    The brother of the bride then con-
          The Chewa tribe hails from Malawi      livestock, grain and even land.     firms that the man under the
          and are part of the Bantu speaking                                         Chitenge is indeed the groom and
          community, using the language          The dowry is presented by the       his sister’s fiancé.
          Chichewa.                              parents of the bride to the groom
                                                 and it is believed that women with   The same group of women then
          A wedding in the Chewa tribe is        larger body types are favoured as   goes to another hut from which a
          always sure to involve the community.   they appear to come from well off   woman emerges covered by the
                                                 families which can result in a      Chitenge, this time, the groom
          The wedding process begins with the    significant dowry being offered.    lifts up the material and checks to
          marriage negotiations; which are usu-  Larger women are also preferred     see if the woman is his bride.
          ally carried out at a court with only   because they are believed to be
          men present.                           strong and able to carry heavy      If he shakes his head, the
                                                 loads.                              women will have to bring out
          The woman is informed that there is                                        another  woman;  all  covered
          a man who wishes to marry her. Once    We then move on to the fourth       up. When the second woman is
          the men have reached an agreement,     phase of the wedding process,       brought out, the groom then lifts
          the  men  then  travel  to  the  woman’s   the Wedding attire. The bride and   the Chitenge and if he nods then
          home to discuss the bride price (the   groom have their wedding attire     that is his bride and the wedding
          Chiongo) and bring along a token of    custom made, using the Chitenge     can proceed.
          appreciation  for  the  bride’s  parents;   (brightly coloured material that is
          which is called the Chamlomo.          found in Malawi) with a pattern of   The sixth phase of the wedding is
                                                 their choice.  The guests are also   the presentation of the bride; this
                                                 welcome to have their outfits made   comes after the groom acknowl-
                                                 from the same material.             edges his bride.

                                                 The introduction of the bride and   The bride is taken to change from
                                                 groom  to  the  patrons  is the most   the clothes her parents have
                                                 romantic part of the wedding and is   bought  for  her  into  the  wedding
                                                 the fifth phase of the wedding      attire that matches her groom.
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