Page 47 - Urban Kapital Magazine Autumn 21
P. 47
This phase is followed by the Pelikani This ceremony usually lasts for three She informs her mother who then
(translates to ‘share it’) days as the bride is taught to dance informs her father of this request.
“Chisamba”, how to sleep with her The father then gathers negotiators
This is the most interesting practice of husband as well as the do’s and don’ts who will assist him in negotiating the
the wedding as it is when the guests of marriage. bride price for his daughter. These
shower the couple with money whilst negotiations are usually discussed
dancing and singing around the cou- over a period of time in an effort for
ple. The two families then create a both families to get to know each oth-
bond in the eighth phase of the wed- er. The bride price is usually in the
ding; which is the exchange of live form of live cattle (11 cows) or the
chickens. monetary value of all the cows. This
is the way the groom shows his ap-
The brother of the groom as well as preciation to the bride’s parents for
the brother of the bride return to the raising her.
centre of the gathering to exchange
the chickens. The groom’s brother The second stage of the pre-wed-
gives the brother of the bride a live ding process is called Izibizo, this is
rooster to present the bride and the Zulu Wedding traditions when the groom and his family visit
brother of the bride hands the groom’s the home of the bride bearing gifts
brother a live chicken to present to the A not so distant neighbour of to present the bride and her fami-
groom. The rings are exchange while Malawi, is the home of the Zulu ly. This is the formal introduction of
the chickens are plucked and cooked. kingdom; South Africa. the groom as he is not allowed to
be present during the iLobolo nego-
The brothers link arms and dance as When the name “Zulu” is mentioned tiations. The bride then returns the
they sample the freshly cooked chick- one often thinks of the Zulu king and favour by doing what is called Um-
en. The guests feast on homemade warrior Shaka Zulu. Let us explore bondo and Ingqibamasondo, where
dishes such as chambo with nsima, that softer side of this kingdom. she buys groceries and gifts for the
served with ndiwo (a delicious relish groom and his family. She is ac-
made of pumpkin or cassava leaves, The wedding process of the Zulus companied by young women to the
tomatoes and groundnut powder). usually takes months to conclude as groom’s family home to present them
This part of the wedding unites both there are many stages that are with the grocery and gifts. It is said
families and the brothers as media- considered when two lovebirds agree that the bride’s family uses some of
tors in the ceremony. to get married. the iLobolo money for this ceremony.
Both these ceremonies are practiced
Once the wedding has concluded, the It all begins with the process called iL- in an effort to introduce the families
family hosts a post-wedding initiation obolo. This is when a woman’s partner to each other and create a bond.
where the bride is dressed in strings asks her to marry him.
around the waist. Continued...