Page 50 - Urban Kapital Magazine Autumn 21
P. 50
Following two years of Tribunals, hearings and Whilst the Employment Tribunal (ET) did not strike
appeals. Maria Rooney can finally see a light at out Ms Rooney’s first claim. it held that Ms Roon-
the end of the tunnel in her Tribunal case. ey’s menopausal symptoms were not sufficiently
serious to be considered a disability and her claim
Maria was employed by Leicester City Council for of sex discrimination had no reasonable prospect
12 years as a childcare social worker, she of success, so dismissed her second claim.
resigned from her role in October 2018. Ms Roon-
ey says she had experienced workplace bullying However, in order for someone to be disabled
and discrimination, at the same time, she was under s6 of the Equality Act 2010, they must have
struggling with physical, mental, and a physical or mental impairment that has a
psychological effects resulting from menopause. substantial and long-term adverse effect on their
ability to carry out normal day to day activities.
Ms Rooney had been prescribed Hormone ‘Long term’ is usually considered to be 12 months
Replacement Therapy, and she was being or more for employment law purposes.
medically treated for her symptoms.
She told us: Maria describes how she was personally affected
by menopause and how it impacted her work. She
“I have been a Social Worker for 20 years and feels that women should be given more support
worked for Leicester City Council for 12 yrs. I was and consideration in the workplace to
a highly experienced and qualified Social Worker accommodate the debilitating effects menopause
who was highly respected and regarded by my can have on some women.
colleagues, other professionals and my local
community. I loved my job and I loved working “I was experiencing anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, low
with vulnerable, complex, high risk young people mood, irritability, mood swings, brain fog, confu-
trying to keep them safe and get them on the right sion, memory loss - I was forgetting people’s
path in life. Unfortunately, I started to experience names and forgetting to attend meetings and
bullying, harassment and victimisation in the appointments. I was really struggling in the
workplace which eventually led to me going off workplace but there was a lack of support and
sick with work related stress”. I felt that everyone had turned against me and
wanted me out.”
Maria says she was made to feel embarrassed
when faced with discussing her menopause with a Maria appealed against the dismissal and strike
male line manager and an all-male panel at work. out of her claims. On appeal, the EAT held that the
The Tribunal heard that one manager told her ET had made an error in law. The EAT disagreed
that: he ‘also gets hot in the office’ when Ms Roon- with the decision she was not a disabled person at
ey mentioned she was suffering from hot flushes. the relevant time, and said the ET were wrong to
dismiss her disability and sex discrimination,
Maria says: harassment, and victimisation claims.
“I was experiencing peri-menopausal symptoms
at the same time. When I returned to work, I was It was noted that, in her evidence, Ms Rooney had
MAGAZINE // 50 sympathetic, or understanding and he issued me toms (which the ET agreed), and that they had
allocated a new line manager, but he was not very
stated both her physical and non-physical symp-
failed to provide a careful factual analysis in de-
with a formal written warning for being off sick
ciding whether Ms Rooney was disabled.
which I tried to appeal. My appeal was made to an
all-male panel”.