Page 48 - Urban Kapital Magazine Autumn 21
P. 48
Zulu Wedding continued... followed by song and dance.
During these preparations, the bride and The feast includes lots of meat that is
groom have their wedding attire made for prepared in various ways, steamed bread
them which includes a cow skin skirt for (Ujeqe, similar to dumplings), uphuthu (grainy
the bride, beads that cover her chest and a maize meal which is a South African staple),
hat called Isicholo that only married women chakalaka, umhluzi (broth), ubende (black
wear. pudding) and vegetables.
The groom’s attire consists of animal skin It is mesmerizing to see the similarities in
bottom garment called iBheshu, animal skin these different cultures.
top, shoes made of rubber that are called
Izimbadada as well as an arrow and shield The weddings are colourful and celebrate the
to represent him as the protector. unity of both families. The similar grain food
staples nsima and uphuthu as well as the use
The official, traditional wedding is called of vegetables in chakalaka and ndiwo show
Umabo; which takes place at the groom’s that no matter the country or culture, the
family home. On her wedding day; the bride continent finds ways to bring its people to-
leaves her home at the early hours of the gether.
morning wearing a blanket that her mother
presents her. The food preparation in both countries is
often in an open fire or coal grill that leaves
The bride’s father then walks the bride to the food with a smoky taste, to be shared by
her new home, the bride is often advised to the many guests at weddings, community
not look back as it is considered bad luck. gatherings as well as something small like a
Once at the groom’s home, the father calls family reunion.
out the groom’s family clan names as an
announcement to the (bride’s) ancestors Many countries in Africa have staple food that
that she is now leaving her home to join her attract tourists like Piri Piri in Mozambique,
husband. which is a sauce that covers chicken and is
usually served with matapa (a dish made of
Two cows are slaughtered which represent cassava leaves, cooked in peanut sauce) and
both families. The wedding usually starts at Kapenta in Zimbabwe. Kapenta comprises of
midday as the family prepares food, drinks two freshwater fish that are native to Lake
as well as décor. During Umabo, the bride- Tanganyiki that are now one of the main
maids assist the bride’s family in handing sources of protein in Zimbabwe as well as
out gifts (the gift are usually listed at the Zambia.
beginning stages of the wedding process)
like blankets, pinafores, head wraps and Africa beams with colour and warmth, the
even designer clothes to the groom’s weddings are big and form part of the shared
family starting with the older women. culture of its people.
Then the groom’s sisters, the men and Whether it is playful gestures like hide and
finally the groom. The bride then lays a seek to show that one should not lose their
grass mat (Icansi) for her groom, presents inner child once married or the acknowledge-
him with gifts and washes his feet as a way ment of the mediators of the marriage.
to show that she will look after him. The
fun part of the wedding is when the groom African celebratory moments reflect its peo-
is made to lay on the grass mat as if he is ple’s uBuntu (humanity) for their families and
sleeping and the bridesmaids pretend to hit communities to show that working together to
him with sticks while the brides runs off to join two should be sacred, and a lot of fun.
hide so that the groom can also run off and
search for his bride. Once the groom finds
MAGAZINE // 48 feast is brought out for the guests
his bride, the ceremony concludes and a