Page 102 - MUD-catalog-2019_Neat
P. 102

AF 102                                                           4            3   2            1  THD

                               Quick Coupler Locking KO Rod System

                               This knockout rod assembly is recommended    ejector plate flush with the back of the ear plate.
                               for use with MUD standard mold base adapter   The center rod locks the ejector plate to the
                               frame systems. It permits the molding machine’s  special knockout rod installed on the machine’s
                               hydraulic knockout system to operate at its    hydraulic knockout plates. Two rods, threaded
                               maximum stroke. The KO system is designed    for adjusting to proper length, are also installed
                               with three push points and one pull back. The    on the machine’s knockout plate flush with the
                               A & B rods, supplied extra long for finishing to   inside surface of the adapter frame’s rear
                               precise length, are threaded into the mold’s    clamp plate.
      MUD Quick-Change Adapter Frame Systems for Standard Mold Bases   |    Quick Coupler Rod System

             Quick Coupler Locking
             Knockout Rod Assembly and Rods
                                                                                Quick Coupler
             ITEM NO.   DESCRIPTION                                              K.O. Assy.
             PLKA192    Knockout rod assembly (1 required)                                     A – X
             MLKS193    Mold knockout locking rod (1 required)
             PKR194     Push rods (2 required)                         Rest Buttons
             MKS195     Knockout spacer rod (2 required)                Rest Buttons        Mold Base K.O.
                                                                                             Locking Rod
                                                      Bottom Clamp Plate
                                                                     Ear Plate                 B – X
                                                                  Adapter Assy
                                                                                     X      Mold Base K.O.
                                                                                              Spacer Rod   Ø 1.00

                                                                               Mold Base K.O. Push Rod




                                      For each press supply:
                                      THD, P & L
                                      1   Press ejector plate
                                      2   Press platen
                                      3   Adapter frame clamp plate
                                      4   Adapter ear plate

                                                                              U.S. 800-626-6653 ■

                                                                Canada 800-387-6600 ■  Mexico 52-442-713-5666

                                                                                    Quick Coupler
                                                                                     K.O. Assy.
                                                                                                   A – X
                                                                           Rest Buttons
                                                                            Rest Buttons       Mold Base K.O.
                                                                                                Locking Rod
                                                          Bottom Clamp Plate
                                                                         Ear Plate                 B – X
                                                                      Adapter Assy
                                                                                         X      Mold Base K.O.
                                                                                                 Spacer Rod  Ø 1.00

                                                                                   Mold Base K.O. Push Rod
   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107