Page 105 - MUD-catalog-2019_Neat
P. 105

AF 105

                                                              MUD Quick-Change                   ™
                                                              Mold Base Adapter Systems

                                                              with Instant-Connect

                                                              U.S. PATENT No. 5,562,935

            Ordering Information                                                                                      MUD Quick-Change Mold Base Adapter Systems with Instant-Connect Waterlines   |    Ordering Information

            Step 1:	Determine	which	MUD	Quick-Change 	Mold	Base	  manifolds.	You	can	modify	the	ear	plates	yourself	or	arrange
            Adapter	System	fits	your	molding	machine(s).	Refer	to		  to	have	them	machined	by	DME.
            the	MUD	Quick-Change 	Adapter	Systems	section	       Step 4:	Measure	the	lengths	of	the	molds	that	will	be	used
            pages	AF94	-	AF101	for	specifications,	or	call	DME		  with	the	Instant-Connect	Waterline	System.	You	will	need	to
            for	personal	assistance.
                                                                 specify	a	manifold	for	each	mold	length.	Any	mold	length	that
            Step 2:	Determine	the	number	of	machines	that	will	be	used	  extends	over	the	face	of	the	manifold	will	require	the	use	of
            with	the	Instant-Connect 	Waterline	System.	You	will	need	  a	universal	manifold	and	the	appropriate	extended	flow	plate
            to	order	a	set	of	back	section	manifolds	and	adapter	frames	  to	enable	installation	of	the	mold	waterlines	to	the	ear	plate
            for	each	machine.	The	back	section	manifold	replaces	the	  manifold.	Longer	flow	plates	will	also	accommodate	shorter
            back	section	supplied	with	the	MUD	Quick-Change	Mold	Base	  mold	lengths.
            Adapter	Frame.
                                                                 Step 5:	Call	DME.	Our	service	representatives	will	help	you
            Step 3:	Determine	the	number	of	molds	that	will	be	used	with	  choose	the	right	components	and	place	your	order.
            the	Instant-Connect	Waterline	System.	You	will	need	to	order
            a	set	of	ear	plates	and	gibs	for	each	mold.	Each	set	of	ear
            plates	will	need	to	be	machined	to	mount	the	waterline	  NOT RECOMMENDED for temperatures in excess of 200° F
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