Page 92 - MUD-catalog-2019_Neat
P. 92
AF 92
Adapter The Quick-Change concept
frame for standard mold bases
system Production changeovers in less than 10 minutes
Standard mold bases can be interchanged in less than 10 minutes
with MUD’s Quick-Change adapter frame system. It’s the most
MUD Quick-Change Adapter Frame Systems for Standard Mold Bases | The Quick-Change Concept
economical quick-change system available and it works with any
standard mold base in any molding machine up to 500-ton capacity.
The system is based on a Master Unit Die frame that remains in
the molding machine during production changeovers. The frame
is installed without modifying the machine. Standard mold bases
equipped with companion ear plates are interchanged within this
MUD Balancing Lift Bars adapter frame.
These bars feature slide-and-lock Just one adapter frame accommodates an unlimited number
attachment for fast positioning at the
balance point of the standard mold base. of standard mold bases. While these frames can remain in the
machine indefinitely, they are easily transferred to other machines.
This allows the mold base to be easily
lowered in and raised out of the adapter No other special mounting hardware is required.
frame. The bar fits over inexpensive but- The MUD Quick-Change system is based on the unique slide and
tons mounted on mold bases in place of clamp approach to mold changeovers developed by Master Unit
eye bolts. Lifting bars and companion Die Products. Standard mold bases equipped with MUD ear plate
buttons are available in capacities to sets simply slide in and out of the Quick-Change adapter frame.
5,140 pounds. (See page AF 103) Just one MUD adapter frame is needed for each molding machine
selected for Quick-Change operation.
Quick Coupler KO Rod Systems
This optional assembly permits molding Installation is fast. Simply clamp the Quick-Change adapter frame
machines’ hydraulic knockout systems to the platens of any molding machine selected for Quick-Change
to operate at their maximum stroke. The operation. Companion ear plates are bolted to the standard mold
recommended system is based on bases to be interchanged in the machine. Both the machine and
three push points and one pull back. the standard mold bases are now ready for production change-
It locks the mold ejector system to the overs in less than ten minutes.
machine’s hydraulic knockout system
with a simple push and turn action. MUD Quick-Change adapter frames and companion ear plates are
(See page AF 102) available in six standard sizes. Each accommodates a wide range of
standard mold bases. Selecting the largest adapter frame that fits a
NOTE: Specifications subject to change without prior notice.
molding machine allows interchanging of standard mold bases up
to the machine’s maximum capacity.
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Canada 800-387-6600 n Mexico 52-442-713-5666