Page 6 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
P. 6

in the NEWS

           AI Startup Omnirobotic Raises $6.5m
           Omnirobotic, a robotics automation startup, announced in September it
           closed a seed round of $6.5 million CAD to further develop and commer-
           cialize its AI platform for factory robots.
              Fonds de solidarité FTQ (the “Fonds”) and Export Development
           Canada (EDC) led the round with participation from Real Ventures and a
           joint venture including the company’s current employees. The funding
           enables Omnirobotic to continue building autonomous robotic capabili-
           ties for high-mix production environments, allowing industrial robots to
           see, plan and execute high-value-added processes like painting, welding
           and machining with limited human oversight.
              Founded in 2016, Omnirobotic says its platform has already allowed
           high-mix manufacturers to overcome skilled labor shortages and reduce
           the environmental impact of their production processes. Omnirobotic
           believes autonomous industrial robots will not only be more capable of
           adapting to constantly changing manufacturing environments, but can
           also help displace physically dangerous or unpleasant jobs the sector is   qualified workers - even more essential in the wake of additional work-
           still challenged to fill.                         force challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, adds Simard. “This
              “Our AI platform shows potential for significant productivity gains,   is both critical for individual firms and also reflects a growing consensus
           along with substantial energy and consumable savings per part produced   among many robot and process equipment manufacturers.
           that are meaningful to all kinds of industrial manufacturers,” says   “We started with industrial paint, but paint is just the beginning. Our
           Omnirobotic CEO & Founder Francois Simard. “The technology itself is   investors believe in our plan to build the definitive AI platform for factory
           transformative because these manufacturers will finally be able to use   robots,” he adds. “This won’t just unlock robotics for the entire manufac-
           industrial robots for value-added tasks on never-before-seen parts within   turing industry, but will also make costly, extensive, painstaking robot
           unstructured environments.”                       programming a thing of the past, paving the way for a new era of
              Manufacturers are looking for their own ways to automate tasks for   autonomous manufacturing.”
           which they otherwise have difficulty recruiting and retaining skilled,

         Design Center, we help our customers bring the   inspiration from the past and future. With tactile,
         forecast to life through the creation of custom, pro-  sensorial finishes, Continuum fuses technology
         prietary finishes that meet consumer demand.”   with nature, blending whites, charcoals and pops
                                            of color found in the natural environment.”
         Industrial Wood 2021 Colormix
         Trend Forecast Collections         TAPESTRY
                                            “Vivid hues and finishes influenced infuse color
         SANCTUARY                          through layers of pattern and texture. Maximalist
         This range uses calming colors to “nurture well-  metallics and jewel tone finishes.”
         ness and serenity. Scandinavian simplicity was a   www.wood.sherwin-
         key influence for soft, matte neutrals with rich,
         well-worn textures and sunbaked tones.”
                                            Sun Chemical Releases
         ENCOUNTER                          2019 Sustainability Report
         The Encounter collection’s earthy finishes   Sun Chemical released its 11th annual Corporate
         “embrace heritage lux and global inspiration.   Sustainability Report in late October, for the year
         Varying levels of gloss and sheen, balanced by   ending 2019.
         dark, textured finishes enhance the natural beau-  The report describes how the company devel-
         ty of wood. Rustic and tribal hues breathe life   ops, manufactures and distributes its products   • waste reduction programs focused on improv-
         into burnished, charred stains.”   while also showing how it works with customers   ing the utilization of incoming materials, pro-
                                            and suppliers to improve sustainability goals.    moting recycling and optimizing the end of life
         CONTINUUM                            Key research and development highlights   of a product or material
         This range is described as a hybrid of synthetic   include:          • a silver corporate social responsibility rating by
         and natural influences. “These finishes pull   • a long-term strategic target to reduce manufac-  EcoVadis, a third-party organization that meas-
                                             turing CO  levels by at least 30 percent by 2030   ures a variety of categories, including environ-

         6   CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG                            nOvEMbER/DECEMbER 2020
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