Page 2 - Mountain Medicine Directory - Winter 2017
P. 2
curious? read more about personality types on p. 34 It is rare for an ISFP not to have a prevailing artistic
Their competitive logic is willing to allow them to
ESTJ ciety that require objective order keeping without ISFP prettier. Visual art is, of course, open to those with
touch in their lives, they seem to want to cover
do almost anything to get ahead but “anything”
is neatly packaged in tradition and custom. This
ever surface with beauty. They often find work
that lets them help some piece of the world
type is usually drawn into one of many roles in so-
drawing talent. If they have acting ability they
much emotion. They administer justice with cool
confidence and emotional detachment. Judges,
are irrisistibly drawn to theatre and everything
presidents, principals: all of these job titles tend to
and and lighting designers, puppeteers and
mean either “decider” or “leader”. Young ESTJs connected with it; they may become costume
seek careers that have clear upward tracks so animators, or stage and film actors. Music talent
they can eventually reach positions of power. draws them toward performance, while athletic
Many, or most elected officials are of this type. It ability draws many into ballet or gymnastics. ISFPs
may be the most dominant type in the US being can be found working in hair and clothing styling,
both relatively common and very decisive. Their jewelry design, tailoring, cosmetics and skincare,
abilities serve them well in a self governing nation. interior decorating and landscaping.
Hillary Clinton Elton John
YRelated Opposite: ISFP YRelated Opposite: ESTJ
Their world is a world of action and adventure.
Recognizable by their extremely methodical
ISTJ habits. Drawn to many professions, but always ESFP almost everywhere. But they are least likely to do
It isn’t easy to pin down a few lines of work that
to an orderly line of work, within each field.
they might go into--because they can be found
Engineering, law, police work and teach-
ing all strongly attract ISTJs. When they are
work that requires a lot of judging and correcting
teachers, they are most likely to teach older
others, they are more likely to do things which al-
students)These four fields of work all help to
maintain society’s infrastructure, whether low them to move around physically. ESFP teach-
ers are most likely to work in kindergarten or gym,
reinforcing buildings and roads.enforcing law but whatever they teach they will create plenty
in mediation, or passing on behavioral norms of hands-on experiences for their students since
and useful information to the next genera- this is how they prefer to learn. They are very likely
tion. Of primary interest is reminding society of to get into some kind of performance, such as
those details which keep life predictable. acting or singing and will usually find an avenue
Queen Elizabeth II at work for this activity.
YRelated Opposite: ESFP Julia Child
YRelated Opposite: ISTJ
Most common personality type at 13.8%: All
These are the world’s natural mechanics
ESFJ caring for the elderly. Their roles are emotion- ISTP sports or in military. Are almost always found in
about making other people happy while
although they are also highly successful at
fulfilling traditional social roles. Account for a
very high number of preschool and elemen-
close contact with machinery. Academically
gifted ISTPs gravitate to physics and engineer-
tary school teachers but can also be found
ing. More interested in lab work than theoreti-
ally important as they say, day to day, that
they are both doing their duty and making
from nuclear power, to fork lifts and cranes.
They make up much of the world tool oriented
people happy. They are the type most likely cal. They can be found at all machine levers
to change out seasonal decorations and workforce in electrical wiring,carpentry and
remember birthdays with a card. plumbing. They have a natural affinity to
Regis Philbin computers and computer programming.They
YRelated Opposite: ISTP are good at accounting, bookkeeping and
tech support. Stressed by leadership positions.
King George IV(The King’s Speech)
YRelated opposite: ESFJ
Keenly aware of the physical needs of the
Most present in the present. Senses bom-
ISFJ education, editing and secretarial work. They ESTP Most likely to run for political office. Sports, the
people around them, having a strong sense
barded with sensory information. Naturally go
of what someone’s life ought to look like. Are
into fields that use their skills of face reading,
good at professions that keep words in order:
multi-tasking, risk tolerance and coordination.
may go into teaching--drawn both by the
emotional needs of children paired with the
ural magnets. They make great small business
writing skills that make higher education a military, all facets of road construction are nat-
owners especially when they can work along-
breeze. Tend to be shy and retiring. They side their employees. If they have artistic or
care a great deal about the needs of the theatrical talent, they become stage perform-
people around them, the poor, the sick, the ers, team captains and military officers.
lonely--anyone society might reject. Theodore Roosevelt
Laura Bush YRelated Opposite: ISFJ
YRelated Opposite: ESTP